Chapter 9

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(Month has gone by)

Threw the month everyone has come to see Sidney and check up on here. His mother on the other had has only been seeing him at night when he's been asleep. Andrew had apologized a million times and said he quiet the ANBU and is getting a team like dad did. I was upset at first but why, Andrew is just like dad so there's no reason to argue, and just like dad Andrew let me see his face, which he doesnt even show mom or dad! It made me happy knowing Andrew trusted me that much so in turn i told him every thing about Orochimaru that i knew, and i let my baby show him also. He had left the room for 3 days before coming back and telling me he approves as long as he doesnt find any marks one me, he doesnt even want to see sex marks, lucky for me Orochimaru normally gives me sex marks where i can hide it.

Blake had told me how guilty he felt and now sorry he was. If anything i was happy they forgot me because if they hadn't i wouldnt have met my Maru. I told him that but it only made him feel more guilt. Also it turned out he got Gaara's daughter pregnant to just this week he left to go be with her while there son Bill has come here and even though he never admits it i know its because he likes Sammy


"Sidney wake up" someone whispers into my ear and shakes me lightly, "Wake up, we need go before anyone notices im gone"

I slowly open my eyes and look to see who shaking me and see how hurt and injured Kabuto

"Kabuto? Wait this is where you've been?" i look up at him shocked

"Yes, your father's friends found me and brought me here. When i heard you were here i knew something wasnt right so i found you and over heard how you got here. Now come on lets go" he pulls everything off me then stands me up

"Are you ok to leave?" i look at him worried

"Ill be fine now lets go, there going to think you flat lined so they'll be running in here any minute now"

He brakes the glass then picks me up bride style then jumps out the window threw the village. Looking behind Kabuto

i see Lady Tsunade run in with mom and dad. Everyone looked panicked but my dad, he even pulled his mask down and mouthed 'good luck' to me and gives me a smile.

I smile back a bit then after were out of the village i make several shadow clones of Kabuto and i sending them in several different paths. If we go straight then i send them to the left and right of us to move our scent all over the place. Same if we go left or right, im trying to throw off Kiba and his family's dogs.

"I guess you really do want to be with Orochimaru" Kabuto says as he watches me make the clones

"Of course, i love him" i look up at him to see a smile on his face, "And Kabuto? Im sorry i hurt you so bad the leaf village could find you.............."

"Dont worry about it, i deserve it. I thought you would run as soon as you could and i could see Orochimaru was getting feeling for you, i was only trying to protect him"

"Well now you know id never leave Orochimaru willingly, act i have 2 reasons not to" Kabuto looks down at me with a raised eye brow, "1 because i love him and 2" i smile brightly as i rub my belly which has started to grow a bit"

"Your........pregnant??" i nod excitedly and happily, "Wow, well Orochimaru sure will be happy"

I nod and rest my head on Kabuto's shoulder and jist rub my belly knowing its going to be a long night. As i was about to fall asleep i hear a crack of thunder then feel water hit my arm. I smile a bit seeing as Kiba wont be able to follow us anymore

-Orochimaru POV-

I was going out of my mind from waiting. I had just gotten back from taking someone's body, if i wait a few weeks the body will change back to my own body. I didnt tell Sidney about this because i was scared to and i didnt want to come back to him till the body looked normal to him.

"If you dont calm down and help us we wont be able to get him back" Itachi says as he wat he's me pace

"Well if someone had stayed here with him then i wouldnt need to pace because he'd be with me!" i hiss and glare at him which doesn't faze him

"Tobi going outside" Tobi announces them goes outside by himself, he's felt alone and guilty the whole time Sidney has been gone

"Now lets make a plan, we know it was the leaf who took him so why dont we go at the dead of night? We could also use this time to destroy the village" Deidara speaks up

"Ya, lets go today, it'll take about a day to get there without breaks so-" i get cut off by the doors being slammed open and Tobi running in and someone is in his arms and someone else is on his back

"Tobi found Sidney! And some guy" Tobi yells then dumps the guy on the ground who i quickly realize is Kabuto

"Master Orochimaru, sorry ive been away.........been hard to get away from the leaf village............then i found out Sidney was taken there and was being watched so i had to wait" he smiles tiredly at me

"Thank you" he nods then passes out while i got to Sidney whos lightly scolding Tobi for moving so fast and jerking him everywhere and Tobi was hanging his head but still hugged on Sidney

I come over and get Sidney out of Tobi's arms and hold him close, "Thank goodness your ok......."

"I missed you so much" he whispers then start to cry in my chest, i just stroke his head and hold him in my arms

After a few minutes he pulls away a little and wipes his fave clean, "Oh i have something i need to tell you"

"What is it love?" he looks up at my smiling face and gets a bit nervous

"Impregnantwithyourchild" he says quickly and everyone freezes, i think a few people heard him since they had shock faces but i didnt understand him


He takes a deep breath and slowly lets his out, "Im pregnant with your child"

I freeze and just stare at Sidney for a few moments then i feel wind hitting the back of my head, everything goes black, and i hear Sidney scream my name

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