Chapter 2

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I was quietly sniffling and a few tears came out of my eyes as my mom cuts my hair to make it even. Dad had taken Blake to the hospital and now Sammy is watching me with pain in her eyes

"If i was there i would have helped you beat him up. Your hair is to beautiful and it was as long as mine but now its so short" Sammy says quietly as she watches our mom

"Sammy stop it, i love Sidney's hair shorter. He looks good with shorter hair" mom says from behind me

"Dont cut it any shorter!" i scream out in fear but i dont move fearing that id be the reason he cuts more

"Im not, there your done" he moves away and i quickly run to the bathroom to look at my hair

I pout more when i see how short it is but it also doesnt look as bad. Sighing i slowly go down stairs and sit on the couch still pouting

"Here want me to braid your hair then go shopping? We could get you new clothes" Sammy says with a smile and i nod quickly

She smiles and french braids my hair then we go out and go shopping for the rest of the day. When we finally come home we come home with tons of bands and Sammy's boyfriend came to help us bring the stuff home. When we comes into the house mom, dad, and Blake are at the kitchen table eating, Blake having some trouble since he's not fully healed

"Were home!" Sammy yells then drops her stuff on the ground while i take my bags and quickly run upstairs and put them in my room

When i come back down stairs i see food at my spot and i quickly sit down and start eating like crazy

"Why isnt he punished? He not only didnt give me food but he also beat the shit out of me!" Blake bangs his hand on the table angrily

"Because Sidney never does anything to make you mad or hurt you. When he does it makes up for all the stuff you put him threw" dad answers calmly while he eats, "Since he beat you up i wont punish you for trying to........for telling Sidney things your shouldn't"

Blake glares at him then at me but i pretend he's not there and just keep eating happily. After dinner i did the dishes while dad took mom back to there room and he was carrying mom bride style. Both Sammy and Blake looked at them then made a gross face

"Well if you'll excuse me, mom and dad aren't the only ones going to be doing the dirty" Sammy winks at us then leaves the house andi tilt my head to the side a little in confusion

"Mom and dad are too old to be making it obvious that they still do the dirty........" Blake mutters then comes over to me and puts special nose canceling ear muffs on my fox ears

'Whats going on?' i ask Blake in sign langue, which he taught me, with a frown

'Dont worry about it, nothing bad, it's just going to get loud soon so i didnt want you to hear' he signs back then helps me with the dishes

After we finish the dishes mom and dad are still doing something that requires me to have the ear muffs on so Blake told me to just take a shower and go to bed and that he'd tell mom and dad to come tell me good night when they finish

I did as Blake said and go up to my room. Once my door was closed i took the ear muffs off and skip to my bathroom. I start a bath making sure to put bubble stuff in it then strip down and get in the tub. Bath time is really the only time i act my age, according to my mom and dad. When i take a bath i wash myself and relax in it, while when i do anything else i try to make it fun or i hide or something.

After relaxing, and bathing, in the bath for about an hour i get out and go back into my room drying myself off as i go. When i get to my room i go into the bags of new clothes and pull out a pare of thongs Sammy made me buy. She wouldn't let me get normal boys underwater and only said i should get used to wearing them because my future husband will love them. I of course had no idea what she meant and let her buy them for me any way. So here i am putting them on and i gotta say there pretty comfy. Once i have my underwear on i put on some new booty shorts on that say 'lick able' on the back of them in big letters, then i threw on daddy's shirt and crawl into bed quickly falling asleep

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