Chapter 7

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A week has gone by since we meet Orochimaru's friends. Being there has been pretty fun, the people there are super fun to play with and Tobi has become my best friend, well he did after pulling a prank on me and i almost killed him and yet again Orochimaru stopped me before i could, after that Tobi and i have been best friends. Also since we've been here Orochimaru and i had sex, really sex, and it was amazing though i wont talk about it because it only laster a short time and ended with me not cumming and one of the ass wholes walk in on us and Orochimaru cam inside me.

Right now im training with Tobi, were playing hide and go seek but with a twist. If the person finds you you have 30 seconds to get away, if you cant you have to fight. I came up with it and everyone loves, ive played it with a few people but mostly Tobi.

"Tobi hide and Sidney look for Tobi" Tobi says excitedly

"Ok, but you know the rules, no going outside or in anyone's rooms" he nods then i smile and cover my eyes and start counting

After counting to 100 i turn around and listen. Hmm a couple having sex, some people sleeping, people writing, oh! Someone whispering and hiding in the closet i think. I know its cheating but oh well hehe

I skip down the hall and stop at the closet making sure to stay really quiet. Slowly reaching out then open the door quickly and jumping to the side to Tobi jump up and sprint down the hall laughing. I follow him laughing also, it was nice to have someone who likes to play with me like this, its nice to have someone to relate to. I love being treated like a baby when im with my family have now that ive seen what its like to be treated equally and i love it. Im not sure what im going to do if i go back to my family

"Tobi!! Stop playing your stupid games would you??" i hear some yell in annoyance

I turn around the cover and see Tobi sitting up next to Sasori glaring hard at Tobi and is sitting on the floor infront of him. He then turns and looks at me also glaring

"And you! Stop going around and acting like a child! Or else i will kill you and make you both suffer!!" Sasori yells loudly at me making me flinch, Sasori never gets mad like this

"I-im sorry we.......we where just playing" i whimper a little

"Well you need to stop playing! Does this look like a playground to you??" he glares more at me then lifts his hand and chakra strings come out and attack to me then pulls me close till im right in his face, "Stop being a stupid child. I hear your 'mother' is a lot like you, no wonder people want to kill him. If im right they'll kill him before you even have a chance see him again"

I freeze and watch as Sasori lets me go and starts to go away. I stand there watching him letting the words sink in. I then look down at the floor in thought. People want to kill my mom? People want to kill my mom. People want to kill my mom..........i start to growl lowly.

Everyone, Tobi, Sasori, Itachi, and Kakauzu, stop what there doing and look at me. I growl more and feel my nails start to growl louder and i feel my k-9 teeth grow longer.

"And who wants my mom dead?" my voice get serious but changes a bit also when i ask, it sounds more deeper and adult like

"A lot of people want to, why does that make you mad? Do you really think you can do anything just by growling and getting mad?" Sasori asks

I growl louder getting more angry since Sasori seems to think this is a laughing joking matter.

I can feel my chakra raising quickly, i knew everyone could feel it go up because they all got into a defence state. A moment goes by and i hear Tobi gasp

"Itachi, does Tobi need to get Orochimaru?" Tobi ask quietly

"Yes, and quick, also get Zetsu" Itachi answers and i feel him activate his sharingan while Tobi quickly runs down the hall

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