Chapter 10 (fin)

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-Sidney POV (10 years later)-

I smile happily as i watch Orochimaru 'play' with his 9 almost 10 year old son, Austin. I still laugh every year when it gets this time, 1 because this is the day i told Orochimaru i was pregnant and he fainted, he blamed it on lack of sleep but we all knew better. 2 the day Austin was born i went unto labor and i was calm but Orochimaru was freaking out then while i was giving birth he fainted again for some unknown reason. After he came to Austin was out and in .y arms, Orochimaru had come over and as soon as he layed his eyes on Austin all i saw was love in his eyes.

Ever since there Orochimaru has been a great father and now he only kills when he or his family is in danger. Tobi and Deidara also stopped killing and now live with Orochimaru with me, Deidara also has a daughter and doesnt know who the dad is but we dont care.

"Mom why are you laughing?" Austin asks as he comes over to me

Austin looks like a mini Orochimaru, he has long black hair, pale skin, purple marks on his face, and Orochimaru's snake eyes. The only thing he got from me was my fox ears and tail but then those are black and his tail isn't as furry as mine

"I was just thinking about how my baby boy is turning 10 in a few months, and how daddy fainted a few times" i whisper the last part as i pull him close and hug him

"Dad said he didnt faint though, he said you just like teasing him" Austin look up at me confused

"You'll see what i mean soon enough" i say more to myself then him, "So what does the birthday boy want this year?"

"Hmm, a baby brother or sister!" he looks up at me hopeful

Austin has always wanted a younger sibling, Orochimaru took this as a chance to go on a vacation with just me and him and spend 3 weeks just sleeping, relaxing, and fucking, mostly fucking.

"Hmm well i can't give you a little brother or sister on your birthday," he looks down sadly, "Because momma will be pregnant for 5 months and your birthday is in 3 months. So you'll have a few younger sibling after your birthday" his eyes light up and he quickly hugs me then starts talking to my belly making me laugh

Austin can still show people his memories and i have a feeling he'll show his younger siblings some of them

"Austin? Why are you talking to mommy's belly?" Orochimaru comes over confused and with a raised eyebrow

"Im talking to my unborn younger sibling!!" he says excitedly

Orochimaru looks at me shocked and hopeful. I nod and smile brightly, "Yes im pregnant, and i feel like there's 3 but i can't tell there gender yet but i feel like they might be girls. Im not 100% sure yet"

"3.........girls?" he asks slowly then faints

"Sidney?! Are you pregnant again??" Deidara yells when he sees Orochimaru faint

"Yes!!" i yell back making his rambles on with everything we'll need but i ignore him and turn back to Austin

"See, your daddy fainted and when mommy gives birth i think ill need you in there to hold my hand. Daddy fainted when you were born and i think he'll faint again"

"Dont worry mama, ill help you when daddy can't" he stands talk and puff out his chest acting like he's an adult

"Thats my little man" i kiss his head and hold him close

I couldn't have asked for a better life, well maybe it would be better if my family could come see me more often. Blake lives in the Sand village as the new


and now only has one child with his wife, she is really the Kazekage but she doesnt want to be it.

Andrew is still a sensei, well he didnt have a team till Hinata's youngest daughter graduated along with Lee's daughter, and Tenten's daughter. It was the first group of all girls and will its been overwhelming for Andrew. Non of them are the girly girls bit they do sometimes act like it to win a battle, i watched them beat Andrew and it was quiet funny. They worked as a team to make Andrew fall on top of one of them and she flipped out, pretended to, and started calling him an old pervert who wanted her body. I have never seen Andrew so panicked and never have i laughed so hard in my life. They had to stop the battle to make sure i was still breathing, which i wasn't for a few moment.

Bill moved to the leaf village and now lives with Sammy, adopted her daughter as his own, and they has two kids of there own.

We made one week out of the year where we have to meet and catch up. Mom is still a bit made at me and tries to stay away from Orochimaru, and even tried saying he couldn't come but soon stopped saying that when i threatened to not come either. Mom and dad seem to be doing well though i think they miss when we were kids because whenever they see there grandkids thats all they focus on, they also spoil them which is a bit bad but we dont care too much since we understand why they do it.

"Mom, i love you to the end of the univers and back" Austin randomly says which he does a lot, i think its because he gets to thinking about things and he worries about not telling us he loves us enough

"I love you to the end of the univers and back 3 times!"

"No way! I love you 10 times more!"

"I love you 100 times more!"

"I love you infinity times more!!" he smirks and crosses his arms knowing he's won

"Cheater!" i start tickling him and he starts giggling loudly and happily

(Sorry i ended it so quick but i wasnt sure what else to add, i may go back and add more or change it later)

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