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"Jac what are you doing here?" Exclaimed Zosia as she opened the door into the consultants office, "you're working later than usual!"
Jac glanced up at the CT1 over her pile of patient notes, "not really, but I have so much work to do!"
"Yes really," Zosia said making her way over to the glass topped desk,"it's 8 and your shift finished at 5, I'd say you've done more than enough work for today."
"No wonder I feel so tired, but this really needs doing!" The consultant replied.
The brunette folded her arms and looked at Jac with a smile on her face, "come on let's go home and I'll make us some dinner" she said and watched as the consultant closed the file she was using, stacked it neatly on the pile on her desk and grabbed her bag.
Jac grabbed her girlfriend's hand and they made their way towards the lift.


"That pasta was amazing Zosh, you should cook more often!" Jac exclaimed as her and Zosia made their way upstairs to bed.
"Pffft it's not a patch on yours ice queen" Zosia teased, knowing that Jac hated that nickname, however accurate it was!
"Oi watch it," Jac replied, "or I'll tickle you"
"You wont be able too," Zosia laughed running up the last few stairs and diving into their bedroom. She slid under the bed and waited for a few seconds till she heard Jac come in. She watched as the redheads feet came alongside her and then suddenly the rest of Jac's body appeared beside her.
"Got you!" Jac screamed as she tickled the other woman!
"Okay okay, ahhhhh stop pleaaase" Zosia replied in defeat, through her hysterical laughter, Jac got up and the brunette followed suit. They both climbed into bed and put their arms around each other.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" Zosia whispered to her lover.
"Oh yes all the time," Jac replied quietly.
And with that they where asleep.

A/N I will try and update this as much as possible but I'm not promising anything!!

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