Going Home

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Zosia woke up with a horrific headache. She opened her eyes and saw she was in someone else's bedroom. One that she'd never seen before. She hurriedly shoved her clothes back on, and grabbed her bag before making her way downstairs. She headed straight for the door but then the guy was suddenly there. "Leaving without breakfast? That's a bit rude isn't it?" He snarled at her, making her step back in surprise.
"Yes. But I have places to be so would you just move!" Zosia replied, the guy stayed stood at the door, blocking it, "Move!" She tried again. He stayed still. Zosia moved forward to try and push him out the way, but he just slammed his fist into her face. Zosia let out a scream and he covered her mouth with his palm.
In all the struggle, they'd moved a little away from the door, Zosia saw her chance and kneed him in the balls . He dropped to the floor in pain and Zosia sprint out of the door. She ran until she was sure he couldn't find her, then checked her purse to see if she could afford a taxi.
It was empty. The guy must have robbed her. She sighed and let a single tear fall, before pulling herself back together and trying to figure out the way to the hospital. It would be easier to find that than her and Jac's house.

After a long nights sleep Jac woke up, feeling a lot better. Serena came in and said, "tomorrow you should be able to get around using crutches, but today you need to stay in bed again. And I'm sorry but there's no sign of Zosia." Serena left the room, and immediately bumped into a speeding Zosia, who looked rather worse for wear. She stopped her and looked at her bruised and bleeding face, and her purple from the cold fingers. "You can go into Jac's room, she's awake, I'll send someone in to sort you out in a minute!" Serena told her, as she moved out of the way of a patient who was being wheeled to a scan of some sort.
Zosia pushed open the door of Jac's room and smiled at her girlfriend. "Hello Ja..." She was cut off.
"You're bleeding!" Jac exclaimed, "what happened to you?"
Zosia looked down at her feet, "I... Tripped" she tried to convince Jac.
The consultant raised an eyebrow. She looked like she was about to say something when a nurse burst into the room with a trolley.
"Come on then, let's get this cut sorted out!" The nurse sat Zosia down on one of the blue, leather effect chairs and cleaned her wound. It wasn't too bad really and the nurse was done with the stitches in no time. She wheeled her trolley out of the room and then came back in to check Jac's foot. It was healing nicely and she replaced the bandage with a new one, without doing anything to the injury.
Zosia moved the chair closer to Jac's bed and leant against her. Her headache was killing and her legs ached from the half hour walk to the hospital. She fell asleep with her head on Jac's chest, and the redheads arms around her shoulders, stroking her hair. Jac was confused. But whatever was going on, Zosia obviously didn't want to talk about it. She hugged her girlfriend tighter and fell asleep herself.

Jac woke up a few hours later feeling a bit cold. She turned to face Zosia, and instead saw an empty chair. Jac panicked, where could she have gone. She already had an injury and she didn't need anymore. She picked up some crutches from beside her bed. A nurse had left them there earlier, saying that she could try them out when she felt ready. Jac slipped her slender arms into the cuffs and gripped the grey rubber handles. She eased herself off the bed and set of down the corridor. No one saw her go, as her room was near the edge of the ward and the other end was pretty full.
She clunked her way down the corridor, heading for pulses hoping to find Zosia there. She turned a corner to another corridor and saw Zosia walking towards her, a paper coffee cup in either hand.
Zosia eyed her up, "what are you doing here? NHS on such a low budget they can't even afford porters anymore?"
Jac laughed, "No, I came to find you! I thought you'd run off again. But apparently I was wrong."
By this time the two lovers where side by side, and Jac did her best attempt of turning around, before her and Zosia headed back towards the ward. They wandered back through the corridors, Zosia occasionally feeding Jac some of her coffee, as she couldn't hold the cup herself with the crutches.
They entered the ward and Zosia walked over to the nurses station, to distract Serena whilst Jac snook back into her room.

A/N hope you like the update!
-Eloise ❤️

Jasia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora