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Jac woke to the sound of pots crashing in the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes and slipped on her dressing gown. She walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a slightly over happy Zosia, "morning, I was trying to cook us some breakfast but I'm not much good at that sort of thing. I think I should just stick to surgery!" She giggled.
Jac raised an eyebrow, "hmm. That could be a good idea, you've got a keyhole coronary artery bypass surgery today anyway so quit the cooking and get ready for work!"
Zosia left the kitchen, having put all the pots away again, and headed off for a shower. Jac sat down on the sofa to sort out her files for work and noticed that the coffee table had been cleared from their movie night.
"God I love that woman," Jac murmured under her breath.

"Good work Selfie Jr, you'll be nicking Valentines job in no time if you keep performing surgery like that!" Mo congratulated as her and Zosia washed their hands after theatre, "it's a shame Jac Naylor missed it. Mind you she'd believe anything you told her."
They left the theatre and Zosia gave the good news to her patient. She headed off towards the Jac's office to take the patient file to her, she saw that she was in theatre this afternoon so she put the file on the glass too desk and placed a note beside it. Then she headed into the locker room to get changed as it was the end of her shift. She hurried over to the stairs and sprinted down them, she continued running till she saw who she wanted. "DOM! I'm staying with you for a bit again!" She called in a joyous voice, a huge grin plastered on her face.
Dom gave her a strange glance worried that something was wrong, but brushed it off as excitement as they'd not properly seen each other in a month. They both piled into his car and headed off towards the flat.

Jac came out of theatre for the second time, she was exhausted. They'd almost lost the second casualty but with some hard work they'd kept him alive. She walked to her office and collapsed into her chair. She instantly saw a piece of paper on her desk alongside Zosia's patient file. She snatched up the file and checked it before putting it on a pile of files that she needed to put into a cabinet. Then she read the note.
Thank you for understanding. You're like anaesthetic to me, you take away my pain. But all anaesthetic wears off. It's easier now. Goodbye.
Zosia xx
Jac stared at the note for a while, letting a couple of tears roll down her cheeks. Surely the note wasn't right, it was a prank or something. It had too be, Zosia loved her just and much as she loved her, right? She stood up suddenly and brushed her tears away before storming out onto the ward to find Zosia. She spotted a nurse at sorting some patient files.
"Ah, Nurse Wells! Have you seen Dr March?" Jac questioned attempting to sound angry to disguise the fact that she was about to cry.
"Her shift finnished 30 minutes ago, I should think she'd be at home." The nurse replied before hurrying off towards a patient.
Jac sighed and walked back to her office, it looked like she'd be spending the night alone because she knew Zosia hadn't brought her keys this morning and hers were still safely attached to her lanyard.
She walked slowly, in the general direction of the lift, hardly able to see through the tears that were forming in her eyes. She couldn't let them fall, Jac Naylor doesn't cry. She didn't want people to see her vulnerable side, she'd shown Zosia and now she was gone.
The lift doors opened and she stepped inside, just in time before a tear rolled down her face and dripped onto the floor. Her body suddenly decided it couldn't hold her up and she collapsed in a heap on the floor, struggling to breathe through the sobs that shook her. Tears where streaming down her face and she couldn't stop them, she barely heard the doors open on Keller, revealing a tired looking Sacha.
He stepped into the lift and saw Jac crumpled on the floor crying.
He knelt down and scooped her into his arms hugging her tight as he walked over to the Keller staff room. Essie was sat with a coffee, but as soon as she saw Sacha come in with Jac in his arms she made a beeline for the door, murmuring a quiet,"I'll leave you too it." She was not in the mood for emotional drama.
Jac let out another sob as Sacha layed her down on the sofa,"breathe, Jac. Just focus on your breathing." He rubbed her back as her sobs subsided into small whimpers, "shh, shh. What's wrong?"
"She's gone, she left a note saying that she's left me." Jac managed to form between sniffles, "I love her, but she obviously doesn't love me."
"Who?" Sacha asked the teary consultant.
"Zosia. She's gone." Jac whispered before her sobs came back and she lay shaking on the sofa.
Jac eventually cried herself to sleep and Sacha wrapped a blanket around her so she didn't freeze.
Zosia was lying on the floor in her old flat, which only Dom actually lived in now. She giggled at nothing and poured another shot out for herself.
"Zosh, don't you think you've had enough. Let's go to bed." Dom attempted to reason with her.
"Party pooper! But fine okay let me just have this one," Zosia giggled, "think of all the starving people in Africa Dom!"
She downed the shot and headed to her bedroom.
Dom closed his door and instantly fell asleep. It was almost 1 am and he had work tomorrow. As fun as Zosia was, she didn't exactly pick the best times.
Zosia drifted off into a very intoxicated sleep.

A/N yay! I managed 1000 words!

WARNING: this story is going to involve self harm in the next chapter so don't read it if that's a sensitive subject!
Jac is way too pretty, her face looks better than my future.

~ Eloise *insert stethoscope emoji*

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~ Eloise *insert stethoscope emoji*

•Why is there actually not a stethoscope emoji, like PRIORITIES APPLE!!•

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