You And Me

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It seemed like an eternity until the stick beeped and both women looked down at it.
She was pregnant. Zosia burst into tears again. She'd ruined her and Jac's lives.
However Jac, being her sensible and rational self, had other ideas.
"Shh Zosia. It's okay, it can be our child. Forget that guy, he hasn't got to have anything to do with it." She pulled the brunette into a tight hug, "we could never have a baby ourselves, we always knew. At least now it'll have some of your genes in it. Some of your strength and fight."
Zosia smiled and gazed up at the redhead. It reminded her how much she loved the other woman.
"Thank you." She whispered, happily, "but why are you being so nice. It's all my fault."
Jac pushed strands of hair out of her girlfriends face,"because I love you Zosia. We can get through this. But only together. You and Me, a team.  Okay?"
Zosia nodded, entwining her lips with Jac's delicately coloured, light rose ones.
As they stopped for air the brunette whispered against the consultants soft skin.
"I love you. More than anything. But no more coffee."
Jac laughed out loud at Zosia's comment, struggling to stand as she shook. She gave up her attempt and collapsed back beside Zosia, both in hysterics at absolutely nothing.
Eventually Jac pulled herself together, having more self control than her companion, who still couldn't look her in the eye without melting into peals of laughter. Tears rolled down Zosia's cheeks for the fifth time that day, but unlike the rest, these ones were happy.
Jac smiled, she wanted a child more than she cared to admit, and here was a great opportunity for them to become a real family.
That's all she really wanted, a family. She lost hers at twelve, and that's just made her more and more determined that she would have a perfect little family.
The scenario wasn't anything like the one her younger self had anticipated, but now it fitted her definition perfectly.
Zosia, who had finally calmed down stood up and yawned. It'd been a long day, filled with lots of emotions and she was more than ready to sleep. Even food wasn't worth staying up for. Jac followed her out of the room and they both changed into pyjamas, Jac in plain navy ones, and Zosia with blue tartan.
Zosia climbed into bed, her eyes closing before her head even hit the pillow.
Jac grabbed an orange and ate it quickly before joining Zosia in sleep.

Jac woke early the next morning, to the sound of Zosia throwing up in the toilet.
She shivered. It reminded her of a time when both her and Zosia had been in dark places, and she'd been admitted to hospital after collapsing, because she didn't eat much and what she did she immediately threw up. Purposefully.
She wasn't proud, but it was just how things went.
She snapped out of her trance as she heard Zosia throw up again. Poor girl, she didn't ask for this.
Jac grabbed her dressing gown, slipping it over her pyjamas as she padded down the hallway towards her modern, extra shiny bathroom. She entered the room and saw her partner hunched over the toilet.
She ran over and rubbed the brunettes back comfortingly.
"It's alright, it's alright. Shhh, it'll be over soon." She said, almost reduced to tears herself seeing Zosia in this state.
Anger flashed in her eyes, her mouth settling in an aggressive line. How dare that man. How dare he do this to Zosia. He'll get what he deserves. She promised herself, knowing she needed to stay calm. Zosia needed someone strong to depend on.
Jac so desperately wanted to be that person, that she would reign in her anger. That was unusual for her, she was an impulsive creature when her anger took over.
Zosia stood up and washed out her mouth at the sink, whilst Jac watched her. Though they'd been together over a year, Zosia was still able to intoxicate Jac with her effortless beauty and grace in even the simplest movements.
"It feels weird. You know, having something growing inside of me?"
Zosia soft voice cut through Jac's wandering thoughts, like a cool metal blade. Jac looked up and laughed.
"Oh well, in 8 months it'll be growing outside of you."
Zosia smiled, typical Jac, spurting out her medical genius at every opportunity, "we need to book a scan, I don't mind it being at Holby, it's more convenient."
The consultant smirked, "Doctor March, you should know by now that I'm always one step ahead. You've got a scan booked with Mr T this afternoon, at 3"
This was met with a broad smile as the brunette wound her arms around Jac's waist. They kissed softly before Zosia pulled away.
She laughed, "I'm starving!"
Jac smiled too and they made their way downstairs to the kitchen.

A/N and this is awful but it's mostly just a filler chapter, hopefully I can start the main plot next chapter! Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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