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It'd been a few weeks since Jac's operation and her foot had healed completely. Zosia still hadn't opened up about the events of the night when she got the head injury, and Jac could tell she wasn't planning to either. It was early in the morning, and Jac was lying curled up in her duvet with her eyes closed. She was awake, but she wasn't quite mentally prepared to force herself out of the warm bed just yet. The mattress suddenly jerked and Zosia leapt off the bed and ran towards the bathroom, where she promptly threw up in the toilet. Jac heard and slipped out of bed herself, following the path Zosia took to the bathroom. She barged in just in time to see Zosia emptying her stomach for the second time. The consultant knelt beside her girlfriend and stroked her back.
"You alright Zosh?"she asked as she felt the CT1's forehead. Normal temperature, not clammy.
"Yeah, yeah. Probably just a bug."Zosia stood up and splashed her face with cold water at the sink.
Jac frowned. She didn't have any symptoms other than the sickness.
"I'll get us some breakfast sorted," Jac left the room and walked through to the kitchen,"toast?" She called.
Zosia agreed and came through to the kitchen. She sat down and Jac placed two mugs off coffee on the table infront of her. Zosia gagged and ran from the room. She threw up again, and burst out crying. What if she was pregnant, she couldn't be pregnant. Not with a rapist's child. "No, No, No!" She furiously muttered under her breath.
Jac burst in and saw Zosia in a crumpled heap on the floor. Her body was shaking with the tears an Jac wrapped her arms around her.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" Zosia cried, her voice all choked up.
Jac hugged her tighter.
"Will you tell me what happened, please Zosh. You can't pretend now, and I care about you. So please." Jac pleaded with the distraught brunette.
Zosia looked up at her, eyes wide and glistening with salty tears. She took a few breaths before looking down at the tiled floor.
"He raped me." She confided eventually, in a monotone voice. She sniffled, doing her best to hold in her emotions.
"Who did?" Jac frowned. How dare they, to someone so vulnerable and nice. To anyone in fact, but it was worse that it was Zosia.
"Some guy at a bar. I got drunk. He took me home, made me pay for the taxi." Zosia felt like she would burn holes in the floor, with the hot tears that where silently trickling down her pale face,"I suppose he knocked me out. I just remember waking up in his bedroom, alone. I tried to leave but he hit me."
Jac hoisted the girl to her feet and carried her through to the living room.
Once she'd sat Zosia down, and herself she spoke, "so that's how you got that cut. And I suppose he robbed you or something too, you were freezing so you must have walked. And if I know you, you would always take a taxi over walking in the cold."
The redhead rubbed her hand up and down Zosia's back, comforting her the best she could. she didn't know what to say. People skills weren't exactly her strong point, and what do you say to someone so broken? She decided the best way to go about the situation was what school teachers all drum into you, 'actions speak louder than words.'
Jac let Zosia snuggle up too her whilst she cried. Eventually the brunette fell asleep, exhausted from emotion.
Jac leant her girlfriends head back against the back of the sofa, and detangled her arms from under her back.
She grabbed her jacket and walket and shoved her feet into her boots. She pulled open the door and shivered as the cold air hit her. The redhead tugged her jacket tighter around her as she locked the door behind her. Jac grabbed her helmet from the seat box of her motorbike and shoved it in her head. She mounted the bike and revved the engine.
The bike roared off down the road towards the centre of Holby.
After a short ride Jac pulled into a carpark adjacent to a chemist. She parked up the bike and pulled off her helmet, before making her way into the store.
She browsed through the Isles till she found what she wanted to buy. She picked up the box and headed to the cashier. She slammed it down on the counter with a £5 note, "just this please."
The cashier handed her the change and Jac shoved it all in her pocket with the box.
She headed back out into the chilly carpark, zooming off on her bike again.
Jac arrived home just twenty minutes after she had originally left. She opened the door to her and Zosia's house and saw that Zosia was still asleep. Even in her sleep, Jac noticed, she looked traumatised and scared.
The redhead removed her outerwear and made her way over to the sofa. She shook Zosia awake, if she didn't wake her now she'd never sleep tonight, Jac thought. Zosia opened her eyes blearily and Jac kissed her lightly.
"come on sleepyhead, lets get this done." She threw the white and pink box at Zosia. It was a pregnancy test. Zosia stared at it with a horrified look on her face, "h... How did you know?" She all but whispered.
Jac smiled, "I'm a doctor. Just lets do it now okay, get it out of the way. We can't pretend things aren't happening."
Zosia sighed and pulled herself up off the sofa.
She went into the bathroom whilst Jac waited outside.
"Done!" Came the call, and Jac came through to the warm room. They sat side by side, leant against the wall waiting for the three minutes.
It seemed like an eternity before the stock beeped and both women looked down at it.

A/N dun dun dun! Yeah anyway PLOT TWIST! Hit the star and drop a comment if you like it! Thanks for reading!

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