Back to Work

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
Jac woke to the sound of her alarm. 5:30. Again. She rolled over and looked at the sleeping brunette. Thank god she was here this time. She wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and pulled her into a hug.
"Uggh what time is it?" Zosia mumbled, hugging the redhead back.
"5:30, we're going to have to get ready for work soon. You excited for your first day back?" Jac smiled.
"Yeah, I can't wait to get back in theatre!" Zosia said whilst jumping up out of bed to get showered.
It had been 1 month since Zosia's accident and she was due to go back to work today, thankfully she'd been dealing with everything well and Jac was confident that she was ready to work again.
Jac got up and knocked on the bathroom door, "can I join you Zosh?"
"What?"Zosia replied slightly shocked that Jac had suggested that they share the shower.
"In the shower."Jac clarified.
Zosia giggled, "okay then, but we have work later remember and you need to get your ice queen mask out again!"
"Oh shut up Miss goody goody," Jac pushed open the door and stepped inside closing it after her.

At 7 o'clock sharp the doors of the lift opened on the Darwin ward, revealing 2 rather flushed women.
"Ah! Selfie Jr. Glad you're back, not the same round here without you!" Mo exclaimed, handing her some patient notes as she made her way over to an old lady on a bed.
Jac squeezed Zosia's hand and made her way over to her office, where she promptly got started with some work.
Zosia made her way over to the nurses station and got to work on the patient notes.

"DR MARCH MY OFFICE NOW!" Jac shouted across to the nurses station, seeing Zosia standing there alone.
Zosia turned and rushed to Jac's office wondering what she could possibly have done, she'd been on shift for 7 hours and couldn't think of any mistakes she'd made.
She opened the door to the consultants office and saw Jac facing away from her. "You wanted to see me in your office?" Zosia questioned worriedly.
"Yep," Jac turned around and smiled, "to tell you how much I love you!"
Zosia kissed her on the cheek and laughed, "I thought I'd almost killed someone or something, I've never heard you sound so angry!"
"As if I'd ever actually be that angry at you Zosh, I love you and you almost killing someone isn't ever going to change that! Come here!" She pulled her girlfriend in for a hug, "anyway you'd better be going before you do almost kill someone because you're too busy with me!"
"Okay, but can we watch a movie or something tonight! Pleaaaase!" Zosia begged the consultant.
"Fine," Jac replied, "now go look after the patients please."
Zosia left the office with a smile, to be instantly inspected by Mo.
"Ooooohhh! Selfie J, what've you done now?" Mo questioned.
"I just didn't finish some work, no big deal." Zosia knew that wouldn't convince Mo but it was worth a shot.
"As if! Jac just needed to confess her love to you all over again! Awe how romantic darling!" Mo teased the CT1.
"Oh shut up, I need to get to work!" The brunette replied hurrying off towards a patient.
"That was most definitely a yes then!" Mo muttered to herself as she sat down to check some X-ray results.

The door to the locker room burst open and Zosia walked in, she'd finished her 10 hour shift and her and Jac were about to go home. She'd whipped off her scrubs and pulled her dark green dress on, just as the locker room door opened to reveal Jac.
"Oops sorry!" Jac exclaimed seeing that Zosia was still getting dressed.
She giggled at the consultant, "it's okay I'm pretty much done, you ready to go?"
"Yeah, and I'll even let you choose the film tonight! Though no doubt it'll be some kind of cheesy american movie!" Jac rolled her eyes, "but I'll watch it just for you!"
Zosia picked up her bag and wrapped her arm around Jac's waist as they made their way towards the lift.
"I can't believe I heard Jac Naylor say 'oops sorry'!" The brunette spluttered with laughter, "the ice queen, saying sorry and using childish words in the same sentence too!"
Jac gave her a pretend punch on the arm and laughed too, "anyway here's the lift!"
The doors opened and Ollie stepped out to begin his shift, he glanced awkwardly at the two women and made his way over to Mo.
The lovers laughed as they got into the lift, where as soon as the doors where closed they crashed their lips into each other's. The redhead put her hand around her girlfriend and pulled her in closer.
"Ground floor" the automated voice boomed.
Zosia and Jac sprang apart as the doors opened, to reveal Bernie and Raf waiting.
The two women hurried past, hoping the other doctors hadn't noticed them as they where deep in conversation.
As they jumped onto Jac's motorbike having put their helmets and jackets on Zosia laughed," my god we ran so fast just then!"
And with that the bike roared off into the night, to take the lovers home.

A/N Yay another part! I'm trying to make them up too 1000 words but so far I'm only getting to the 800s. Hopefully my chapters will start to get longer soon!! ❤️

 Hopefully my chapters will start to get longer soon!! ❤️

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Excuse me whilst I get a face transplant!! 😍😍

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