Chapter One

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I sat on my couch thinking if I should do it or not. As I star down the barrel of my gun.
(Reid POV)
Hey. I say as I walk into the bau. Where's JJ I asked not here yet I guess Derek said I haven't seen her Garcia said with a saddened face hope she gets here soon Emily said looking at hotch and Rossi talking in hotches office we all watched as they came running out down stairs together where's JJ he asked/demanded not here yet I said with question why em asked hotch said ignoring her question we have to get to her house NOW he yelled running down the hallway we all meet in the elevator not you Garcia, I need you to track her phone make sure she's home look at her texts everything you can he ordered o.. okay she said running back to her "dungeon". What's going on hotch we all said at once. All except for Rossi I'm guessing he all ready knows we have reason to believe JJ Is going to kill herself he said looking down what I yelled how do you know Derek said trying to get answers.  Her mom called me asking if she was doing okay and I told her I didn't know I wasn't with her she said that JJ called her to tell her that she loved her and she knows that what her sister did was horrible and when she asked JJ where she was she said she was fine and here he explained. Wait JJ  has a sister Emily asked had...... her sister killed herself a few years back he said looking at the floor. we wait relentlessly for the elevator to open when we heard the ding we looked up and the doors opened and we all got in cars and speeded to JJ's

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