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        "Momma!!" Henry yelled as he entered with my mother, waking Spencer whom is on the chair. "Hey baby boy, whats my little man up to??". I asked picking him up. "Momma, what's that??" He asked picking up my hand and pulling the ring off the look at it. "Well...." I said ushering Spence over to hold my hand, I'm so scared, I mean Henry loves him and all but I don't know how he'll feel about this. "How would you feel if I told you uncle Spencer was gonna be you new daddy??" I said biting my lip immediately after the words came out. Henry looked at Spence then back at me, "Really!?" He said smiling, the biggest I've ever seen. "Yes." Spencer said. "Yay yay yay yay!!" Henry said jumping up and down. "Ouch!!" I said as he was jumping on my hurting me. "Oh, come here little man, let's not jump on momma, how about you come down here and we can jump up and down on the floor." Spence said smiling at me, he's so good with Henry, I know we're going to be alright. I smiled back to Spence and just watched them jump, have fun, and communicate.

         There is only three days left to I marry Spenser Reid!! I know it's soon but I've lived him for years and him the same, plus with our job and everything we want to get it done as soon as possible. I pull into the parking lot at the BAU and I pause for a moment in my car after killing it, "what am I doing??" I said aloud to myself trying to figure out if its worth it. "What are you talking about JJ you help people, that's all you've ever wanted since you were little was to help people and put others first." I exit my car walking into the elevator. Spence is all I can think about, I love him so much!! He's so special in every kind of way. The elevator dings on my floor and I walk in, immediately I'm in a hug. "I missed you so much baby!!" Reid exclaims still squeezing me. "I've missed you to honey, but I can't breath." I whispered, sorta. "Oh!! I am so sorry. Are you okay??" He asked panicked. "I'm fine, just a little easier next time eh??" "Yes, I'm sorry." He said looking down as if he just messed up our entire life together, I picked his chin up and kissed him. "Okay, okay, none of this at work, please!?" Derek said walking out of the elevator. "Oh shut up Morgan!!" Emily said walking out behind him. "Okay, you guys calm down, we've got a case." Hotch said coming out as well, and we all head to the round table.

Let me know what you think so far, I'll probably be ending this in the next couple of chapters, let me know if you'd all like a squeal, until next time, bye bye my lovelys!!😚😚

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