Chapter 1

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Katie's POV

I wait by my locker for my friend Cali. I need to get out of the house. Earlier that morning my Dad had beat me then locked me in my room because I had refused to get him another beer. I had to escape out the window just to come to school. Ever since Mom died my life has been a living hell. My Dad used to be a nice and caring man. Then after my Mother died in a car accident he turned to drinking. Slowly that nice man I used to know withered away to the abusive drunk of a Father he is now. By this afternoon he'll be passed out on the couch and won't even know I didn't come home.

Finally Cali walks up to me, I hug her then hold her at arm's length. "Hey do you think I can spend the night, I need to get out of the house." I say. "I'm going to a party tonight but if you wanna come with me, then of course you can spend the night!"She replies. I never really liked parties with all the drunk people and the loud music, they always give me a headache. However, it is an excuse to get out of the house and at this point I'll take what I can get. Beggars can't be choosers right? So I respond "That's fine I'll go to the party with you, have a few drinks stand by the wall and be an onlooker, the usual." "You know Katie you should really be more social, meet some friends." I wouldn't have to meet new friends if you didn't always run off with that boyfriend of yours, Shane. I think to myself but instead reply "My friend is the wall" At this she rolls her eyes "Mr. wall can't be a very good friend now can he?" she punched me playfully then turns and walks off to class. "See you at lunch!" I yell after her. "Yea, see ya"

At lunch me and Cali talk about the party and I agree to meet her at her locker when the bell rings to go home. Even though she only lives a few blocks away from the high school we decide to ride the bus so we can have more time to plan our outfits. That afternoon when the bell rings I meet Cali at her locker and we walk out of the school together.

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