Chapter 7

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Katie's POV

I can't believe I just kissed him. What the hell possessed me to do that? The rest of the day I could think of nothing but Cody. He's really hot and I would love to be with him, but I don't see how he could be interested in someone like me. The bell rings pulling me out of my thoughts. I get up and walk out of the school. It's Monday which means Cali is walking home with Shawn. I start toward home but didn't get very far before I hear footsteps running up behind me. I turn to find Cody, slightly panting. "Um were you wanting to walk home with me?" I ask. " figured you could use some company." he said sheepishly. "Ummm... you could have just texted me to wait." "I didn't think of that..." I laugh, he's such an idiot. "Well you caught me. Now what?" I say playfully. "Well I was wondering if you would be interested in going somewhere with me?" he questioned. I decided to mess with him "Go where?" "I don't know just somewhere." "I was kidding of course I'll go somewhere with you." I smile at him. His face immediately lights up. "Ok well you want to go drop our stuff off at my house?" "Yea that'd be great I don't feel like carrying a heavy backpack around New York." He laughs and we start to walk to his house.

When we get to his house he tells me to stay outside. He takes my bag and sneaks inside. Five minutes later he returns closing the door quietly behind him. "What was that about?" I ask. "Oh um," he stumbles, "My Aunt and Uncle are asleep." I look at him questioningly, I'm a bit suspicious he was obviously thinking of an excuse. Does he have family problems like me? Even if he did they can't be as bad as mine I mean he has an Iphone. He changes the subject "So where do you want to go?" "I don't know. Actually going somewhere seems too much like a date." I say. He pauses for a bit before asking, "Would that be a bad thing?" I laugh a little trying to get rid of the new found tension, "No it's not a bad thing it's just... a bit to soon. I mean I've only known you for three days." Disappointment flashes in his face but he quickly hides it. "That's totally understandable." was his reply. I didn't want him to think that I wasn't interested, because I am, so I say. "But maybe when we know each other a little better I'll go on a date with you." His face brightens and the mood changes back to relaxed, thankfully. "So you wanna just go walk around?" he asks, to which I oblige. "Central Park?" "Yeah that sounds great. I hear the leaves are really pretty in the fall, but I bet there not prettier than you." He smirks. "You can't judge that if you've never seen them." I retort, to which he replies. "No but I've seen you and that's all that matters." I shove him and he almost runs into a post. He pouts at me and we both start laughing.

At Central Park I keep catching him checking me out but I'm enjoying the attention. "Hey I've seen both you and the leaves, so now I can say that you are definitely much prettier than the leaves." he says. I stare at my feet to hide my blush. No one has ever really been interested in me but Cody seems to be the exception. We continue to walk through the park admiring the foliage and talking about random things. He continues to shower me with compliments and cheesy one liners, and I soon find myself holding his hand. After a few glorious hours of meandering, he tells me he has to go to work. He promises to text me and we hug good-bye. He turns and I watch him walk away. The setting sun frames him perfectly and makes him look as if he's glowing, like a savior... My savior. I turn and begin to walk home after he's out of sight. When I get home I realize that my backpack is still at his house. I'm gonna have to get that back somehow. 

How is Katie going to get her bag back? I guess your going to have to keep reading to find out.

Question: Have you ever left something important at someones house?

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