Chapter 2

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Cody's POV

I don't particularly like parties but here I am, at a party. Why you may ask am I at a party if I don't like them? Partly because Shane, my best friend, wanted me to come with him and partly because I needed an excuse to get out of the house. Ever since my parents died when the train they were on derailed, I've been forced to live with my Aunt and Uncle. They don't like me any more than I like them, but they were my last living relatives so I was kinda forced to stay with them. The only reason I'm still there is because they force me to support them which is hard to do with only a part time job. I once told them that as soon as I turned 18, which is in a month and a half, that I was leaving. To this they tied me to a pole in the basement for 4 days giving me only enough water to survive on. They told me it would be much worse if I ever tried to leave or tell anyone about what they had done. They said they would hunt me down, drag me to the basement, tie me to a pole, and slowly torture me. Ever since then I've been afraid to even threaten to tell or run away.

A girl runs up to Shane and hugs him, dragging me out of my thoughts. The girl then turns around and drags another girl through the crowd. Do I know her? She looks familiar. Shane introduces the girl that hugged him as his girlfriend, Cali. Cali then turns to the girl she drug with her and yells over the music "Here's your chance to make a friend Katie, talk to Shane's friend" Katie... I knew she looked familiar she's in my French class. Shane and his girlfriend run off together, probably to a dark corner to make out.

I turn to the girl, "Katie right?" she nods, "We take French together don't we?" To this she retorts "Je ne sais pas faire, nous?" I laugh and reply "Oui, je pense que nous faisons." We both start laughing. "I guess you're not some creepy stalker trying to kill me then?" she asks. "No, I'm not trying to kill you" I chuckle. "So you're not going to deny the stalker part?" she questions playfully. "Well I'm not stalking you at the moment but you being so pretty I'm tempted to." She bursts out laughing and after I give her a questioning look she replies through a fit of giggles "That was the weirdest pickup line I've ever heard." Then I start laughing, making her laugh even harder.

The whole time we were talking and laughing I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. She was medium height, lean, and lanky. Her hair was long and brown with some natural highlights and her eyes were baby blue. She had a perfect tan that made it look like she'd just got home from the beach, but I don't know how anyone could get a good tan in New York City with all the shadows from the buildings. I think she might have caught me staring a few times, but God she was beautiful.

When they were speeking French she asked "I don't know do we?" and he said "Yes I think we do"

Question: Do you speak French? 

My answer: No I used google translate for the sake of this book.    

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