Chapter 6

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Cody's POV

Friday night Katie had said she would text me but she never did. I began to worry that at the party she had just been being nice and that our "thing" we had was only a one night stand. I decide to confront her in French.

"Hey you never texted me." I say. "Oh sorry, it's not that I didn't want to it's just that I had a... family situation to deal with, I was busy all weekend." She replies. I look her up and down. She's wearing a long sleeve shirt, weird considering it's summer. I ask her about it, "Whats with the long sleeve shirt?" "oh I just like it I guess." I'm a bit suspicious, I know excuses and that one sounds like the kind I use when someone asks about me... after a night of being abused. I push the thought away she's too good for that. She can't be being abused, there's nothing wrong with her face. It's blemishless and beautiful and I find myself staring into her baby blue eyes, admiring the patch of freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose. They make her look even cuter than she already is. I decide right then and there that I have to make her mine.

"I know a lot of guys have probably already told you this but... you're really pretty." I unsuccessfully try to flirt. Damn that was cheesy I seriously need to think of better pick up lines. She giggles "You seriously need some better pick up lines..." I know I know maybe I'll Google some, Google knows all. "...But no actually no one has ever told me that I was pretty." This snaps me out of my thoughts. I'm so shocked by this that I repulsively reply "How could no one have ever called you pretty?! Hell, you're better than pretty you're beautiful!" Damn now she's gonna think I'm crazy. I really should have kept that to myself. She surprises me by replying "Now that's one hell of a pick up line,were you just pretending to be sucky at coming up with them this whole time?" I blush "No I was just telling you the truth..."

The teacher walks in we all get quiet. "Class today we're going to be working with ONE partner to write an essay over the importance of the French language." Me and Katie look at each other, Friday obviously wasn't a one night stand. "Now before you all jump up you must be sure to partner with someone you work well with. Ok...Here comes the chaos." she mumbles under her breath. "Go" Me and Katie partner up and by the end of the class our essay was finished.

The bell rings and I walk with her to her next class. I stop her outside the door. "This time I'll text you." I say jokingly. "I'm real sorry I just got... busy." she says apologetically. "Hey, I'm just kidding no worries." I say reassuringly. "Thanks" was all she said as she kissed me on the cheek and ran into the room. I stood there stunned for a while until the music started playing letting me know I only had 2 minutes to get to class.

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