Chapter 5

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Katie's POV

I decide to go home around 8am hoping to get there before my Dad woke up. My hopes were just that. Hopes. When I got home my Dad was up...Shit. He rushes over grabs me by my hair and throws me into the wall. I stand up and try to get away knowing the consequences if I didn't. My trying to escape only rewarded me with more pain. He drug me back by my foot and slammed me into the wall. I crumpled to the ground and waited for what was to come next. I heard the clanking that told me he was taking off his belt. He whipped me hard and fast and I could feel my skin peeling away every time he hit me. It was all I could do not to scream in pain knowing that if I did it would only add on.

He's screaming at me "It's all YOUR FAULT she's dead! If it hadn't of been for you she would still be here with me! YOU DESERVE THIS so don't you dare complain about what you're getting!" Knowing what he said is true I let out a little whimper. He starts beating me even harder which I didn't know was possible. If only I hadn't been such a wimp she would have never gone to the store to get me medicine. My vision is starting to fade into the blackness and the last thing I remember is my Dad screaming "you don't DESERVE to live!" Then everything went black.

I wake up on the floor in my bedroom. I check the door, locked. I try the window but it won't budge. I go over to the mirror. The reflection I see is repulsive but somehow my Dad always seems to leave my face unharmed. I guess he's smart enough to know I have no way of covering my face up. I grab my phone and check the day, Monday. I'd been out for 2 days. It's only 6am. I can catch the bus if I hurry. I throw on jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and some shoes I found in my closet. I check my reflection again, pretty damn good if I do say so myself, a stranger would never guess I was beat almost daily. I escape through the trapdoor under my bed and run to catch the bus.

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