Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: moi-moi819 does not own Pokémon or any of its affiliated titles therein. All original characters are the property of moi-moi819. This is a nonprofit fan fiction. No copyright infringement was intended. Please support the official release.

Moi-Moi: Hello everyone! Let me be the first to welcome you to my Pokémon fan fiction. This story has done relatively well on fan And I've decided to post the story here after a suggestion to do so from Aria-chan. Just so you know, the character on the cover is a picture of Alena I created with a Pokémon cosplayer dress up game. The clothes aren't exact (sorry) but everything else is. I'm amazed with how great it came out. :D

A little bit of warning? I've never played Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, or ORAS. Also, I've only recently watched the Hoenn episodes in preparation for writing this story. Honestly, Hoenn isn't my favorite region (Kalos is with Sinnoh following closely behind). I followed Pokémon closely for the first five seasons, but afterwards I lost interest in it. It wasn't until Ash was in Sinnoh that I got back into Pokémon. I spotted a Pokémon Pearl game in a store and felt nostalgic. So in short, my Pokémon experiences completely gloss over anything Hoenn. But I tried my best to research, research, and research some more. I wanted everything to make absolute sense and flow. But, if I make any mistakes feel free to call me on them.

The story will be based on canon from both the anime and the games with a few twists as well. Keep in mind that the setting is Gen 3 Hoenn. So no Fairy types or Mega Evolution here.

Finally, I hope this story gets as many positive comments and tons of votes. The story hasn't even begun (for you guys) and it's already my baby. Ah, I've said so much. I'll stop talking now. I hope you enjoy it and please comment and vote! :DDD


Sunrise was her favorite time of day. Watching the sun rise was always so peaceful and calming. She liked to open the window above the kitchen sink to allow some of the sea breeze to flow in. The cool air always held hints of fish and sea water. She always loved to feel the cool breeze while the greeting sun rose to warm the city and everyone in it. It's times like these that made her happy to be a morning person. She couldn't imagine missing this.

With a small sigh, Alena finished rinsing off a pot before placing it out to dry with the other dishes she had washed after making breakfast. She turned from the sunrise and the kitchen sink to grab the broom from where it rested in the cabinet next to the refrigerator. Her arms moved the broom over the tiled kitchen floors in repetitive motions that she had long since gotten used to. For two years, she had gotten up before sunrise to prepare breakfast for her father and younger sister before washing the dishes and sweeping up any messes she may have made. She brushed her black, side swept bangs out of her face and tucked a side of her angled bob behind her ear before moving for the dust pan. Their kitchen wasn't too large. It never took too long to clean up. Grabbing the cup of tea she had made prior and left to cool, Alena made her way out onto her front porch to sit on the faded green, wooden steps of her home. She sipped her ginger tea lightly as she stared out at her city.

Lilycove City was the most beautiful when the sun was up, in her opinion. The way the sun hit the water to make it glisten and shine while colorful Pokémon swam just underneath its surface was calming. For such a large city, it had an easy going nature that seemed to repel the stress and rush normally associated with big cities. It was the simple things that made her day.

When her tea had been long since finished, Alena could hear the sounds of her family bustling about upstairs as they got ready for the day. Having got her fill of the sunrise for today, she rose up to enter her peach-colored house to greet her family for breakfast. She washed her tea cup as she waited before deciding to towel dry it and put it away one time. Her father, Isaac, was the first to appear. He was a tall man with slightly tanned skin, short, black hair and bright blue eyes. Alena had taken after her father with her black hair and blue eyes. She had a thin frame and her father's height to go along with it, giving her a sort of lanky look for a twelve-year-old. He wore a light blue polo with dark blue slacks and white socks on his feet. He sat at the table and smiled brightly at his eldest daughter when she placed his breakfast before him. "G'morning, Dad," she said with a smile before retrieving the plates that held her and her sister's breakfast.

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