Chapter 10

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Moi-Moi: Okay. So the last chapter was the longest one to date. UNTIL NOW! 11,000 WORDS!? That's a new record for me... But I promise you, the last chapter will be SO much longer... Lol.

In this chapter, you'll maybe notice the narrator about half-way through. You can think of it as the end of the "episode" and the start of a next one. :)

Who else is excited for Pokémon Sun and Moon? I'M ABOUT TO BURST JUST THINKING ABOUT IT! I'm just hoping that the new Pokémon are a bit more creative than a key ring or a sword... AND that Luxray gets a Mega Evolution! All of my favorite Pokémon have gotten one except for Luxray. I demand that Mega Luxray becomes a thing!

And now for the answer to the last Pokémon trivia. It was the Unown! Yep. 28 different forms to it: every letter of the alphabet and the ! and ? shapes as well. For your next question,

How many Pokémon (so far) change types when they Mega Evolve?


Today, our heroes are spending their last day in Petalburg City at the Petalburg Gym. Fresh from her win at the Petalburg Contest, Alena is facing off against Norman in one final battle.

Caroline sat next to Anya on the short bench at the side of the battlefield. Norman and Alena faced off against each other with Kenny acting as the referee for the match. "The following will be a three-on-three match between Norman, the Gym Leader, and Alena, the challenger. The battle will follow the Petalburg Gym rules. The match will be over when all Pokémon on one side are unable to continue. You may choose your first Pokémon," Kenny announced.

"Slakoth!" Norman decided.

"Electrike, I choose you!" Alena declared.

While Slakoth stared at Electrike with a half-lidded gaze, the Electric type was growling lowly at his opponent. Small sparks of electricity discharged from his fur as he bared his small fangs. Slakoth scratched its head lazily with a claw.

"Electrike, use Bite!"

"Dodge it, Slakoth," Norman responded.

"Slakoth. Sla-," Slakoth sighed dreamily as it sidestepped Electrike's attack.

"Thunderbolt!" Alena fired back, fully expecting Slakoth to dodge the attack.

"Electrike!" Electrike shouted while firing off a jolt of blue electricity at Slakoth. Slakoth was left momentarily stunned from the attack, but soon resumed its half-lidded gaze and lazy demeanor.

"Slakoth, Hidden Power!"

"Sla-koth!" Slakoth exclaimed before charging its attack. Several, glowing balls of energy circled around Slakoth before it launched them directly at Electrike.

"Thunderbolt again!"

"Electrike!" Electrike exclaimed before firing off another bolt of blue electricity. The Thunderbolt split into multiple, smaller bolts that created an electric web that stopped the Hidden Power in its tracks. Electrike barked happily at his accomplishments with a wide, fanged grin.

"I think it's fair to say that you and your Pokémon are more than used to my battling style by now, Alena," Norman acknowledged and folded his arms over his chest.

"That's for sure. Electrike, use Spark!" Alena responded.

Slakoth waited lazily as Electrike closed in on it. Watching Electrike's speedy movements carefully, Slakoth timed its dodge perfectly. Slakoth was taken by surprise when Electrike slowed and suddenly changed his course only to make direct contact after all. Slakoth slid away on his back, electricity coursing through him. Electrike barked happily again. He was great at this battling game!

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