Chapter 10- Le Sigh...

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Katara and I left the lodge we had been given to stay with baskets on our arms and the few coins we had left. We were hoping that the Kyoshi people would be generous, and perhaps cut the price for us.

Boy, were they more than generous.

They didn't even let us touch our money they were so insistent. Everything we needed to buy, they have to us for free. Apparently, it was an honour to help the Avatar and his friends. We left the marketplace feeling somewhat frazzled. It wasn't in our nature to simply accept something for free like that. Oh well. Beggars can't be chooses I suppose.

I glanced at the sun, squinting, assessing its position in the sky. Because I didn't have a phone or even a clock handy, I'd had to learn how to accurately use the sun as a guide. Right now it was telling me that it was time for my lesson with Aang.

Who I had not seen hide nor hair of since he left with his gaggle of girls this earlier morning.

'Katara,' I called out, 'you go on, I need to find Aang.'

'Okay, good luck.'

'Yep. Thanks...' I sighed, turning up towards the top of the mountain. Might as well start there. The village was built on the side of the mountains, and became fairly steep at the end. By the time I entered the trees, I was puffing and clutching a stitch at my side. And I thought I was fit.

I turned around to sit on a log, clenching my eyes as I groaned. When I opened them, I let out a gasp. The view was spectacular. Down below was the village, picture perfect as it nestled into the side of the mountain, which reached down to the bay. It was a sparkling turquoise colour, with a blue winter sky above it. I could even see some Elephant Koi jumping out of the water, making it twinkle in the sun light. I smiled peacefully.


I started at the sudden noise and whipped my head around, curious. I got up and made my way through the trees until I came across a building with two golden fans hanging above the entrance.

'Ow! Suki, stop doing that!'

I grinned. That sounded suspiciously like Sokka. I walked towards the entrance and peered inside, bursting out in hysterical laughter.

Sokka was on the floor, rubbing is butt with a scowl on his makeup-covered face, surrounded by the Kyoshi Warriors.

In a dress.

Sokka jumped up, a blush staining his cheeks through the white foundation. I clutched my sides and tried to not keel over, the giggles of the Kyoshi Warriors inside echoing my mirth.

'Be quiet!' Sokka hissed, scowling ferociously at me. I only laughed harder, tears trickling down my cheeks.

'Wh-what are you- doing?' I gasped, trying to straighten up. Sokka crossed his arms and looked at the floor, scowling.

'Training,' was all he said.

'Training? As a Kyoshi Warrior?' I giggled, regaining my composure.

Wordlessly Sokka nodded, scuffing the floor with his foot. Suki, who had been smirking behind him, stepped up to look him in the eye.

'A Kyoshi Warrior is never ashamed of what they do. So why are you?'

Sokka raised his head slowly, and straightened up to his full hight. He looked at me and raised his chin.

'I have been honoured with being the only man to be trained as a Kyoshi Warrior,' he said, voicing cracking slightly. He glanced sideways at Suki to see if he did it right. She nodded.

I smiled at Sokka, a little bit proud that he was overcoming past opinions.

'Good,' I said, 'it is an honour.' I winked at Suki. 'Make sure you kick his arse for me.'

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