Chapter 29 - The Blind Bandit

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'Once, just once, can something go our way?' Sokka huffed, lying on the still-frozen ground. 'I mean, is it too much to ask? Just once, no Fire Nation to ruin our plans and take over the one city that had a good enough earth bending master to teach the damn Avatar how to throw rocks? No? Too much?'

'Drama queen,' I muttered, rolling my eyes. Not that he wasn't wrong, though. We had finally reached Omashu after the siege at the North Pole, only to find the entire city over-run by red. The Fire Nation were really beginning to ruin that colour for me.

Aang had smuggled himself in regardless, only to find that the crazy king didn't want to be freed— apparently Aang and I had to find a different teacher, one that would listen and wait before striking. It wasn't the right time for him, Bumi had said. Right time for what? To teach Aang a vital skill he will need by the end of the summer? It wasn't like we had all the time in the world.

I was really getting sick of old men being vague.

'It'll be fine,' Katara sighed, rubbing her face. 'We just have to keep moving. There has to be someone in the Earth Kingdom that can teach Aang and Amelia how to...' she paused, as if lost in thought. 'How did you say it Sokka? Ah yes, throw rocks.'

Sensing a slight rise in sibling tension, Aang popped up from next to Appa.

'We'll be fine okay? We'll just have to keep searching.'

I heaved myself to my feet, brushing off dirt with a sigh. 'Well then, we might as well get going then.'


My ears hurt.

Yeah, same.

I winced as a guy not too far behind me let out a monstrous cheer as rocks went flying from the giant central stage. Sokka, on my immediate left, was pretty much just as loud. Ever had a guy scream next to your ear? I wouldn't recommend it. Especially when his voice cracks; it's painful to listen to.

Kai was by my feet, attempting to cover his ears with his oversized paws, whimpering. The poor wolf-pup was overwhelmed by all the loud sounds and overpowering smells— I had to keep reminding myself that not everyone had a shower here. It did tend to show a little.

But then again, I probably didn't smell much better.

But I digress. Sokka was now standing on his feet chanting, fists clenched and a somewhat wild look in his eyes that had his sister and I slightly concerned.

'Fin-ish him, fin-is him, fin-ish him—'

'Are you sure this is the best way to find an earth bending teacher, Aang?' Katara said, raising her voice in order to be heard. Aang shrugged, smiling. While not as enthusiastic as Sokka was, he was clearly enjoying himself.

'It might be a bit unorthodox, but those guys said that the best earth benders come here. So it's at least worth a shot.'

Katara almost rolled her eyes at the mention of the guys who had told us about the tournament. 'Please, those two would have said anything to get out of that mess.'

'Yeah, remind to not piss you off,' I smirked, reminiscing to the look on the two terrified boys faces. Katara, while at heart was the most caring, loving person I had ever met, was a ruthless woman when riled up. She was the definition of 'looks like a cinnamon-bun but will cut you'.

Speaking of cinnamon-buns, one of the competitors was currently being slam dunked by a mountain of a man who had a habit of speaking in the third person. Either he was exceptionally pretentious, or so stupid he couldn't understand basic grammar. Judging by his fighting, it was probably a mixture of both.

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