chapter 20

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As Reyna was hit the boy, who had hit her seemed to grow snakes out of his mouth. Reyna was to awe struck of a boy with a snake mouth to scream. The boy's face returned to normal as the water engulfed her. As she floated down into the deep water she could make something out at the bottom of the pool. She looked up to see a bumper go over her head. She swam up and her view of her friends was blocked by a boat. With a breath she kicked back into the water. As Reyna swam deeper she noticed that the thing was glinting. Reyna couldn't help her curiosity and she saw deeper still wanting to touch it.

Then she felt a sting on her ankle. She looked to see the same boy with the snake mouth staring at her, only this time he was half serpent. Reyna looked back at the glistening object and back at the boy who had disappeared. Reyna dove deeper. She looked to her right to see the boy's mouth had changed into sharp teeth and his tongue was a snake. It hissed at her and Reyna could hear it as clear as day. The boy, no the thing was now swimming right at her.

Reyna pushed off the water and swam as fast as she could to the surface. The thing caught got hold of her ankle and started licking it. She looked back and saw Randy licking her. She kicked as hard as she could and swam up faster yet.

Reyna saw the surface and kicked Randy, no Andrew off her. Andrew climbed her up and smiled. Reyna screamed as best she could and punched the thing in the face. It hissed and turned back into the normal (Reyna hopped normal) face and shrieked at her. She splashed out of the water and swam to the edge of the pool as fast as she could.

Reyna jumped out of the water and crawled out of the pool. Reyna watched as Henry jumped the railing and rushed over to her.

"What happened?" he asked

" I saw - I saw them again." Reyna said shaking

"What? Never mind that, why didn't you squirt that kid in the face!" Henry said angrily.

"I- I didn't have time to react." Reyna said.

Just as she finished saying that a timer rang and the people in the pool started to exit. Jack, Elizabeth, Coralyn, and Jordan hopped the fence and ran over to them.

"Are you okay!" Elizabeth said

"yeah." Reyna said.

"Let's go. You need to get changed!" Coralyn said

Reyna was about to protest but looked down to her wet clothes. Reyna nodded and was helped up by Henry who whispered


"Who's stupid?" Reyna whispered to him.

"You." He said flatly.

As they made their way to the dorm rooms Coralyn said

"Well Let's say I win this round."

They laughed and Reyna couldn't help but look back to the pool.

The creature was gone, Reyna took a deep breath and looked to the floor. The cement was very hot for it sizzled every time a drop fell on to it.

"Here let me get the door." Said a familiar voice.

Reyna's head shot up and she was looking straight in to the face of Randy.

"No!" Reyna Yelped.

Her friends looked at her with much concern, but she wasn't looking at them her attention was planted on the creature in front of her. He smiled.

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