chapter 30

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After two long days of flying towards the sun, henry was tired of flying. He wasn't the only one, Anna had woken up, Tony had tried to get Henry to stop flying, and Elizabeth wasn't looking that great.

Henry looked up at the sky and saw all the stars spotting the sky, constellations that he had never seen appeared in the sky. Henry looked back; his friends were further away than he thought. Henry stopped Ace and flew back to his other friends. Once jack saw henry coming he dived, the others fallowed and henry had no choice but to fallow. Henry landed and watched his friends unpack their things.

"Guys what are you doing, we can still fly for a few more hours!" Henry complained

"No we can't we are all tired of flying, and the pegisi are looking as if they are going to pass out." Tony said.

Henry looked back at the sky and cursed under his breathe.

"Then we can ride on the ground. Just a few more hours." Henry said begging his friends.

"I'm sorry Henry but I don't think anyone wants to go a few more hours." Jack said.

Henry looked at his friends,

"Fine then I'm going on ahead." Henry said

"Henry no, if you went we wouldn't be able to keep track of you. Plus we would get separated." Elizabeth said

Henry looked at his friends that were already laying down on the ground. Henry sighed; Ace whinnied as if to cheer him up.

Henry slipped off of Ace and giddied him towards the other pegisi. Henry slipped off the bridel and turned to his friends.

"I'll keep watch." Jack said sitting up.

Henry didn't look at jack; it seemed that every time he did he just got angrier with him. It wasn't anger more like jealousy, henry really didn't care he just knew that anytime he looked up he could see most of his friends happy.

Henry got up he looked at the trees and started walking towards them.

"Were are you going?" Jack said behind him.

"Leave me alone." Henry said not turning to see jack.

Henry continued to walk and soon he was in the trees and the dark shadows hid the path that he had come from. Henry looked around him and walked, he swatted tree leaves and loose branches out of the way.

Henry continued to swat and to punch trees for about an hour.

"I should go back." Henry said to himself.

"Henry, is it?"

Henry turned around as fast as he could. Sitting on a boulder was a boy with giant red wings.

"Who are you?"

Henry squinted his eyes, he couldn't see the boys face.

"I'm Michael, Are you Henry?" Michael said.

"It depends on whose asking." Henry said.

"OH, Good I dropped Reyna off a few miles away. I'll take you to her." Michael said.

Henry's eyes widened and rushed forward before stopping in his tracks. The boy stood and opened his wings.

"How do I know you won't turn on me?" Henry said.

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