chapter 34

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When Reyna woke she knew that henry had gone. Roxanne and Michael weren't there either. Reyna slipped out of bed and grabbed her white robe. She slipped in it and walked out to the hall way. She heard piano plying and she fallowed the sound. She walked to the top of the grand staircase. She looked down to see Will playing the piano. She walked down the steps, careful not to slip like she had when she had returned the other night.

He started to sing as he played.

"Dancing Gals with painted wings

That I used to remember,

Smiling lads on prancing mares

Something I almost remember,

Twirling gowns with silver shoes

Boot clicks through the sound of music,

Sounds of laughs and cheers,

Something I almost can't remember,

I spin someone around and around,

She smiles up at me,

'Come my dear, come dance with me, I almost don't remember."

Will stopped playing and sat looking at the music piece.

Reyna watched him and turned around to see Jack walking over to her with a smile.

"Hey, Will play that piece again." Jack said.

Will nodded and smiled.

Jack stretched out his hand. Reyna took it laughing at him. He pulled her close and started twirling her. The music rhythm matched perfectly to Jack's movements.

Soon it finished playing. Will sat up knocking the seat over. He stared out the window; he turned and picked up the bench. He walked up the stairs and into his room. Reyna and Jack fallowed him.

His room was something Reyna had never seen, rows and stacks of sheet music of piano and violin lay all over the floor. A grand piano was out on his balcony he walked over to it and sat down.

Reyna fallowed the path of what was left of the floor. His bed was unmade and very messy, Clothes draped his wardrobe. Reyna and jack walked out on to his balcony.

"Want to hear something cool?" Will said

Reyna nodded, Will smiled and started to play the piece. He sang with the piece, the sun seemed to dance with the music.

"Dancing Gals with painted wings

That I used to remember,

Smiling lads on prancing mares

Something I almost remember,

Will stopped playing smiling at Reyna. Reyna looked at him with confusion.

"Listen." He whispered.

Reyna listened as hard as she could then it came the eerie sound of a violin. It finished playing the verse. Then someone sang.

"Twirling gowns with silver shoes

Boot clicks through the sound of music,

Sounds of laughs and cheers,

Something I almost can't remember."

It was clearly a girl, she sang back it was faint but someone was clearly singing.

what walks in the shadowsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ