chapter 36

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Jack woke up on the floor wrapped up like a mummy in his covers. Jack tried to move but just fell on the floor. He got up and peeled the covers off him. His head felt dizzy. He sat down and looked around he was in some sort of hospital. Jack rubbed his throbbing head.

Jack couldn't remember what had happened only that a fake image of Elizabeth was about to get crushed, he had fallen through Elizabeth and tried to crawl out of the way. He hadn't made it and was partly crushed.

He wanted to warn Reyna but he couldn't move. Hades had then appeared and told him that he was going to a hospital. Jack looked around, this looked like a hospital it probably was.

"Nice talk dad." Jack murmured.

Jack stood steading himself on the bed; he threw the covers back on to the bed. He looked down to see he was still wearing the old style of clothes, but these weren't all bloody. Jack looked around and found no means of entertainment, he saw a two great windows. Jack got up and walked over to the window, and looked out, the trees covered everything. Clouds were floating down the mountain side and there was nothing of anything underneath them. Jack turned and walked to the second window.

This window was much bigger and he could see Reyna sleeping. She was wearing an air mask. Jack pounded on the glass. She didn't move, jack looked past her to see Will with the same mask. Jack smacked the glass again.

Jack looked around and smacked again on the glass he tried yelling their names' but they didn't move.

I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice said behind him.

Jack turned to see hades behind him smiling. He walked up to the window and stood by jack.

"We have to help them don't we?" jack said.

"They're sleeping, let them rest, they need it. I came to tell you that your other friends are coming for you." Hades said

"When will they make it here?" Jack asked walking to his bed.

"In time jack, in time, now you look dreadful, you should rest." Hades said.

"But-"jack started

"No sleep in the morning you will feel much, much better." Hades said

Jack was about to protest, but hades waved his hand in front of jack and jack fell back consumed into his dream.


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