The Platform*

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Teddy Lupin had always feared long journeys on his own. He doubted that this one would be much better, a day long journey on a steam-powered train all the way from London to Hogsmeade, Scotland? No sir, this was going to be a long night.

He had been thrilled when his Hogwarts letter had showed up in his Uncle Harry and Auntie Ginny's kitchen in the summer, now he wasn't so sure. Well...... He thought as his Auntie Ginny kissed the top of his head for the hundredth time that day, it could be worse, James Sirius could be a squib meaning he'd have no friends in his years at Hogwarts. Thank Merlin James had already showed signs of being a wizard at the age of 9 and 3/4 which evidently was the name of the platform he was standing on. No, he was fine, James would get his letter next year and they'd be getting on the train together, yes, good, thought Teddy to himself.

"Teddy dear?"
"Yes Auntie Ginny?"
"Is something bothering you?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Your hair's turned white again" Teddy's hair turns white when he is worried or thinking really hard.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine" was his bland answer.
"You don't seem 'fine'"
"I was just thinking about my parents and James Sirius and how good you and Uncle Harry have been to me these past eleven years"
"What was that Teddy?" Harry asks curiously.
"You and Auntie Ginny have been so good to me my whole life. Raising me, taking me as your own, treating me as James' equal"
"Of course you're James' equal Ted, you're like a son to both of us. That's why when your Auntie Ginny here asked if I wanted James' middle name to be Remus and have a child named after your father I said no because I already had a son named after Remus." Harry said kindly.

A whistle sounded somewhere in the distance.

"Here comes the train bud"

Teddy looked at the magnificent steam-engine before him and was amazed. The colour! A deep scarlet that took his breath away.

Well..... He thought, this is it.

"Owl us if you need anything, you have Seamus remember, but use a school owl if need be."
"Oh my little boy's grown up so fast!" Ginny couldn't contain herself.
"Mu- Auntie Ginny!" Oops he slipped up there, he just hoped Uncle Harry hadn't noticed.
"Teddy are you sure you're alright? We can come with you if you want" Harry sympathised not entirely sure Ginny had noticed Teddy's little accident, the first one in six years.
"No, really, I'm fine. Get yourselves back to James."
"Well if you're sure you best be off then..."
These words hurt Harry more than anything else he had said in his entire life, surpassing things like 'goodbye Fred' 'goodbye Moony' 'goodbye Mum, Dad' and finally 'goodbye Sirius'.
So there, in the middle of King's Cross Station, London, Harry Potter cried for the first time in eleven years, at first a single tear escaped his eye then, the dams broke, cities flooded, havoc wreaked, damage done. Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, stood sobbing into his wife's shoulder as his godson clambered onto the Hogwarts Express for the very first time.

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