Meeting Argus Filch*

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Teddy's P.O.V

I walk into the Potions classroom laughing with Jacob, Tyler and Justin (Jacob made up with us this morning after he realised we were his only friends).

One look from Athena Parkinson was enough to silence us, purely because of the daggers it seemed to shoot into us, she's still holding a grudge over what I did to her boyfriend. Lucius. I hate the boy, if you can call him that. He's a son of a b***h (literally, his dad was a deatheater). We take our seats, a whole table to ourselves! I suppose being 'a freak' does have it's perks.

We are doing boring stuff today, because it's our first day. We are making Felix Felicis  (liquid luck). I get it first time, thanks to the tatty old book hidden in a new cover that my Uncle Harry gave me, he just told me to follow the notes when they're there. While Lucius' potion looks like mud, mine is a bright gold, that seems to actually glow.

"How'd you do that?"
"My Uncle Harry is a potions genius, he taught me everything he knows."
"Cool! D'you think maybe you could teach us?"
"Sure Tyler!"
"Cool! Thanks!"
"No problem, mate"

An hour later, after Transfiguration with Knowells, we head down to lunch.

"What d'you think there's gonna be today?" Says Justin. Always eating, that boy is.

"Dunno mate" Jacob replies.

"Probably pumpkin pasties again" I say plainly.

"Maybe, but I'm hoping it's French Onion Soup or, or Sorting Hat Bread and Butter Sandwiches or even pies." Says Justin excitedly, does that boy think of anything but food? I think of the first day on the train and smile to myself, we barely knew each other that day and yet we all showed what sweets we liked, I shared my biggest secret, we drank butterbeer and mainly just had a laugh.

"Oi! Lupin!"*doublefingersnap* comes a voice from behind us.
"Listen here you slimy git" I retaliate, I am careful not to lash out at him this time. I turn around and come face to face with a member of  The Ferret Family. As my Uncle Harry calls them. And by them I mean The Malfoys. Slimy git, I think to myself, he thinks he knows everything about me, but he doesn't, he doesn't understand. Sometimes I wish people who are mean would be like me, just so they know what it feels like.

"You may think you know me, but here's the truth Malfoy, you know nothing about me!"

"Hey Teddy, calm down okay, you don't want to get even more detention." Says Tyler in my ear, his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey look everyone! Lupin's got himself a boyfriend!" Sneers Malfoy.

"Oh that's it!" I lunge forward, only to feel two arms around my waist, holding me back.

"Teddy you don't want to do this, it may seem like you do right now, but deep down, you really don't." Tyler whispers in my ear

"Oh look! They're cuddling!"

"Oh but I do!" I growl back.

"Teddy-" He begins

"STOP!" Tyler shouts after me as I break free of his grasp and charge at the young Malfoy.


Okay Teddy calm down, I tell myself, he isn't worth it.

"Teddy? Are you okay?" Tyler asks as the red fades from my vision.

"Yeah. I'm fine."
"Really?" He asks.
"No." I sigh.
"Alright, let's take you to Justin's mum."
"Fine." I huff, and we stalk off up the stairs to get Luna.

Tyler's P.O.V

We find Professor Lovegood and tell her exactly what happened, she then tells us that she will talk to Headmistress McGonagall and tell her about what is going on right under her nose. Something tells me that's not going to go too well.

"Um, Mrs. Lovegood?"
"Yes, Tyler?"
"Well...... Can wizards get anger management?" I whisper in her ear as she bends down slightly to hear me.

"Of course Tyler"
"I'll owl you later." I continue to whisper.
"Okay, I'll be watching my window."

Teddy's P.O.V

Tyler and I walk down into the dungeons for the newest Hogwarts class, Understanding The Ministry. This class was founded after the war to prevent things like 'The Umbitch Situation' (as my Uncle Harry calls it) from happening ever again.

"Are you, you know, do you have, uh, anger problems?" He says, his voice quivering slightly.

"I guess, maybe I do" I sigh
"D'you think maybe you could uh, talk to McGonagall about doing something about it?"
"I suppose, but not now, quickly we're late for class!"

"Running in the corridors are we?" Comes the sneering voice of Argus Filch from an alcove to our left that I didn't even know existed.

"Uh sorry.... Sir" I add for good measure.
"Yeah. Uh we were just trying to get to class. We were talk-talking to Professor Lovegood, Tyler backs me up.

"You were, were you?"
"Yes, sir"
"So if I ask her, or I was to slip some Veritiserum into your pumpkin juice at dinner?"

"You will do no such thing Argus!"
Comes the shrill voice that belongs to none other that Minerva McGonagall.

Our bloody hero that woman is!

"Boys, you best be off to class, here is a note explaining to Professor Williams what has happened" and with that she waved her wand and a piece of parchment appeared in thin air and rolled itself up, sealing itself with the Headmistress' seal in midnight blue wax.

"Thanks, professor!"
"Oh and Teddy, I expect to see you Thursday night for your "punishment"" she says, making quotation marks with her hands when she says the word 'punishment'. I wonder what it means.

"Teddy come on!" I hear and turn around to see Tyler standing behind me, ushering me forward with his hand

"Coming!" I say, then follow him to Understanding The Ministry.

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