Anything From The Trolley?*

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Teddy's P.O.V

The first few minutes go by in silence. The only noise being the occasional squeak from Justin when he catches my eye, Jacob must have gotten annoyed at this because he eventually says
"Oi Justin! Just shut up already!"
"Couldn't of said it better myself!" Comes from Tyler.
"What's wrong with me?" I ask, curious.
"Nothing, it's just....... Are you really?....... You know?....... A werewolf?" He whispers the last two words.
"Not really" I say, wondering where this is going
"So you don't transform, what happens then?"
"I feel really sick and weak, but I have to be away from others just in case because it gets worse as we get older" 
Justin is still staring at me.
"My dad was one." I say plainly.
"Before he..... He. ..... Uh well you get it...." I say to the three in front of me.
"Yeah it's okay, we get it, you don't have to go into detail if you don't want to." Says Tyler sympathetically.
"Thanks" was my dull reply.

A call came from outside:
"Anything from the trolley?!"
Jacob opens the door quickly.
"Uh.....A pumpkin pasty and two chocolate frogs please!" Says Jacob, handing over 2 galleons
"Here you go dear, anyone else?"
"A packet of droobles and a box of snitch truffles please!" Says Tyler, giving 1 galleon
"There you go! You two?"
"Um.... Could I get a bottle of pumpkin juice, two packets of droobles, three pumpkin pasties, a box of snitch truffles and five chocolate frogs please" says Justin with a squeak.
"There you go dear, that'll be six galleons please" Justin hands over the money and the trolley witch turns to me:
"Anything from the trolley dear?"
"Could I get four butterbeers and seven deluxe boxes of sugar quills please"
"That'll be ten galleons dear" she says handing over the towering stack of boxes and then four bottles one by one. I hand over the money and place my money bag and my sugar quills in my trunk as she walks away and Jacob closes the door. I hand a drink round to each one of my three newfound friends and keep one for myself and they all say 'thanks' enthusiastically.
"Hey! How come you're allowed to buy butterbeer?!" Jacob asks with a stage frown.
"I don't know. I thought everyone was!"
"No mate, we're not allowed" says Tyler.
"I don't know then, mate" I add for good measure.
After that we fall into easy conversation; Justin supports the Chudley Cannons Quidditch Team, same as Tyler and myself, and Jacob supports the Tornados. Tyler's birthday is the eighth of September, that's next week, Jacob's is the eleventh of November and Justin's the eighteenth of May, I tell them that mine is the tenth of April. I don't tell them, although they probably guessed by my birthday, that I only had twenty-two days with my biological parents before death snatched them away from me like two children playing with dolls.I feel a tear escape my eye and quickly wipe it away and hope the others didn't notice.
"I'm going to the bathroom" I tell the trio.
"Okay" they reply absentmindedly. I make my way down to the front of the train where the male's toilets are. I get into a cubicle and look at the mirror on the wall. My hair's turned blue with streaks of white. Damn it! How had I not noticed?!?! More importantly, why had my friends not told me? Maybe it had been like this since before they came into my compartment? Surely not? Although I have been sad and worried all day. Maybe? Idiot, of course it has been. They would have noticed if it had changed colour, they would think I'd been hexed or something because they don't know what I am! A metamorphmagus. From my mum. They'll think I'm a freak! Part metamorphmagus, part werewolf. Oh Godric! I am a freak!  What next? Part wizard?! Oh yeah I'm already part wizard! Alright Teddy, don't panic just tell them! Yeah I'll just tell them, okay, here I go!

"Hey guys!" I say nervously as I stumble back to my seat.
"Hey Teddy!" They reply
"Want a game of exploding snap?" Asks Justin.
"Go on then!" Focus Teddy!
"Hey, guys? I have something to tell you"
"What is it?"
"You can't tell anyone, although I bet old Neville will tell everyone before the sorting anyway"
"We promise" they vow in unison
"I'm a-a a metamorphmagus..." I stutter out.
"Oh? Well..... Cool!" Says Jacob.
"Can you do Dumbledore?!" Says Justin
"Sure!" I feel my hair growing down to my waist as my face ages and a pair of glasses appear on my nose.
"Awesome!" They exclaim.
"How about The Boy Who Lived?"
"I've got the real one at home, bit of a tosser really, but okay" the glasses change from half moon to round and I shrink in height while my hair grows backwards and changes to black.
"Teddy Remus Lupin. Clean your room immediately!"
The compartment bursts into giggles as someone opens the door and thank Merlin the blinds were closed. Jacob holds the door closed with his foot which gives me just enough time to change back to me with pink hair before the prefect bursts through and tells us to change into our robes because we'll be there soon.

Once we are changed, we take down our trunks from the luggage racks and hide the butterbeer bottles in our wooly winter socks so that they don't get broken and smashed. We all agreed to keep them forever as a reminder of when we became friends.

We get off the train and immediately stick together because Merlin, that man's tall! He informs us that his name is Hagrid and we are to make our way to the boats while everyone else heads to the thestral pulled carriages.

The four of us get a boat to ourselves and they start moving towards the castle.

We meet Neville-uh-Professor Longbottom at the entrance and he leads us to the Great Hall where we will be sorted into either Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

The sorting has begun. The hat sang a beautiful song about defeating our enemies. The names are called by Professor Longbottom:

Chang, Tyler! Tyler walks up and sits on the stool. The hat barely touches his head before shouting
"Gryffindor!" His mum's going to be disappointed. She was Ravenclaw.

Bones, Megan! Hufflepuff. Just like her mum.

Makepeace, Amy! Gryffindor.

Lovegood, Justin! Gryffindor! Yes! You can see the triumph in my friend's eyes as he sits next to Tyler.

Weathers, Jacob! Gryffindor! Yes! Just me out of the four of us to go!

Sutherland, McKenzie! Hufflepuff!

Heys, Sarah! Ravenclaw!

Geddes, Abbey! Slytherin!

Lupin, Teddy! My boy! Great metamorphmagus he is! I sit down, my hair turning white with worry. Although I didn't need to bother worrying because the hat has declared me GRYFFINDOR!!! I go sit with my friends and a boy turns to me and says
"Mate, your hair's gone red and gold!" And I just smile happily to myself. I'm really here!

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