The Hospital Wing*

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Teddy's P.O.V

I am awake, but I don't open my eyes, not yet, I can already see the harsh light through my eyelids, no, I'll keep them closed for now. Yes, bliss, no Malfoy, no class, no anything. Hang on a minute, where the hell am I?! I open one eye slightly. All I can see is blinding light, I look down, presumably at my chest. And see beyond it that I am in a room I've never been in before. There are bottles of potion on the table beside me and a lot of sweets at the bottom of the bed I'm in. A thought flashes through my mind.
'What day is it?' All of a sudden I hear voices, my head hurts, everything hurts.

"Yes, yes he's just down here" I quickly close my eyes, I don't want whoever it is to know I'm awake yet. I'm just steadying my breathing when I hear the footsteps stop at the end of the bed.

"Teddy?" Comes a stern but warm voice. McGonagall.
"Still sleeping." Uncle Neville.
"Yes well... You best be off. He needs his rest." Madam Pomfrey.

"Poor boy, no eleven year old should have to go through that." Comes from McGonagall.
"Agreed" Poppy Pomfrey says back.
"Just what Ward was thinking, I have no idea." Says Neville.
"Well he was a Slytherin." Says McGonagall.
"Got a kick out of watching Hermione Granger's living hell that was Draco Malfoy too." Neville adds. What's my Auntie Hermione got to do with anything? I groan and turn over in what I hope is a convincing manner, reminding them that I'm still there.

"You know what?"
"Yes, Neville?"
"I don't think he's really asleep."
"And why's that?"
"He doesn't move in his sleep, he never has."
"Teddy come on, the jig is up."
I sigh and open my eyes. I change them to green, my second favourite colour, then immediately decide on my favourite colour, bubblegum pink, and change them to this instead.u
"How much did you hear?" From Neville.
"All of it, I've been awake since before you came in."
"Fair enough." And they left it at that.

"Teddy, I need to ask you something."
"What is that?" I ask.
"How would you feel if I told you that the full moon passed while you thought you were asleep?"
"Glad that I didn't have to go through the headaches, no, scratch that, the everything-aches.
"Yes, well Teddy, how would you feel if we told you that you had actually transformed this time?" McGonagall asks.
"I'd tell you that you're bonkers, I never transform."
"Well this time you did."
"What?!" I make to get up but Neville gently pushes me back down, this is when I notice the pain in my leg and the fact that my arm is in a sling.
"Did I hurt anyone?" I ask, my thoughts flashing to my friends, genuine worry in my voice.
"Only yourself."
"Thank Merlin."
"Yes, now we need to talk about this, for the full moon we moved you to a room buried deep underground called the Chamber of Secrets. It worked surprisingly well, no-one heard you, no-one saw you go. The only person who saw was Moaning Myrtle. We all know she won't say anything."
"Okay." I say, swallowing hard.
"We've already sent a patronus to your Uncle Harry and Auntie Ginny. They'll be here within the hour."
"It's okay bud" Uncle Neville reassures me, his hand on my shoulder.
"Y-yeah you're r-right everything will be f-fine." As I say this my 'parents' rush into the room and to my side, sliding on the newly polished floor in their haste.

"Teddy we came as soon as we heard! Are you okay? Are you in pain?" Worries my Auntie Ginny. Then she sees my arm and the bulge that is my leg.

"Oh Teddy! Are you okay?! Does it hurt much?"
"Not really, I didn't even notice til I saw Uncle Neville staring at my arm." I say, calming her down with a slight laugh in my voice.

"Teddy?" Says my Uncle Harry.
"Mmm" I hum in reply, my head on the pillow and my eyes closed.
"Do you want to come home for a while?"
"What?! I can't do that!"
"Teddy calm down, you're going to wake up the whole school."
"I don't care! I can't come home! Do you know the rumours that would start!"
"Teddy be rational!" Auntie Ginny hisses at me.
"I am, I want to finish the school year. Like you would let anyone pull you out of Hogwarts in your first year. Either of you!"
"Teddy, there are some things you just have to accept, and this may be one of them." Uncle Harry says kindly.
"Minerva, dear, is there any chance you could send us a copy of the curriculum and we could homeschool him for the rest of the year?" Auntie Ginny asks.
"It could be arranged" is her reply, with a nod of her head.
"The rest of the year?!"
"It has to be this way Teddy bear" she says, her voice stern and soft at the same time.
"What about my friends? They'll want to know what's up with me!"
"Names?" Says McGonagall.
"Jacob Weathers, Tyler Chang and Justin Lovegood. And maybe Ryan Finch-Fletchley." I snap back, I used to like this woman, and now she's sending me to be homeschooled? No. Way. I'm not going.

"I'll not be going" I say, trying to end the conversation but just sounding like a child.
"Teddy-" both my uncles try to reason at the same time,
"No. I don't want to."
"You have to."
"No I don't" I retaliate, trying my best to sound grown-up.
"Teddy Remus Lupin, you will be in that fireplace back to Grimmauld Place before you can say 'Quidditch'."
"Quidditch" I say, mocking him and sticking out my tongue.
"Don't you be cheeky to me mister!" He shouts.
"Why? You're not my dad!" I shout back.
"Excuse me for a minute." Is all he says, quietly, leaving the room, his eyes full of tears.

I shouldn't have said that.

But I did.

What have I done?

Harry's P.O.V

I leave Teddy with Neville, Ginny, Poppy and Minerva and wander around the castle for a while, the silent tears rolling down my cheeks. I pass a few students, but most of them are outside, soaking up the sunshine. I don't know why, but I head to the Gryffindor Common Room, once I get there the fat lady asks for the password.
"I, I don't know." As I slump to the floor, she says
"Hang on! You're Harry Potter! In you come, saviour of the wizarding world, I'm so glad I'm the Gryffindor portrait, getting to see your face all those years you went here!" She says as she swings forward to grant me entry.

I head upstairs to the boys dorms. I flop on my belly onto Teddy's/my old
bed, and sob into the pillow.

I reemerge from the staircase and hour later with Teddy's trunk in one hand and Seamus' cage in the other, and head back to the hospital wing.

Ginny's P.O.V

"Harry's been gone a while now, I'm gonna go look for him." I say to the others. There are various murmurs of agreement, and I slip out of the room.

I bump into Harry on the second floor, holding Teddy's trunk and owl cage, his eyes red and slightly puffy.
"Ginny, uh, what are you doing here?"
"Teddy's asleep, so I came to find you." She says, affection and love in her voice.
"Right. Well I've packed his stuff. Seamus is still in the Owlery." I say quickly, barely taking a breath.
"Okay, well let's go get him together then."

Ooooooh! Will Teddy go home? What will everyone think if he does? Oooh mystery!

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