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Teddy's P.O.V

The four of us head to Defense Against the Dark Arts, although I'm not sure if there is anything Dark left in the world, after the war. Although there are creatures that can be considered "dangerous" such as Grindylows, Cornish Pixies (tiny but bloody fast and murderous), and Boggarts, Dragons, Vampires and werewolves, apparently my dad was "dangerous". I wasn't listening when Professor Ward was telling of how "dangerous" they were.

We walk into the classroom only to be ushered back out again by Professor Lovegood and Professor Ward.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" Tyler asks us.

"Dunno" I answer him.
"Probably something Top Secret!"
We all turn around to see a certain red haired boy, Justin, when did he get separated from the group?

"Justin? Do you know something?"
"I....... May......."
"Justin, what are they doing in there?"
"I'm not allowed to tell you"
"Pretty Please! With a cherry on top?!" Says Tyler.
"Nope" he says, popping the 'p'
"Why not?!" Tyler replies, annoyed that his friend has so little faith in him.

"Come on class! Inside!"
"What're we doing today sir?" Someone shouts from the back of the group.

"Ah! That's a surprise!"
"Aaaw!" Comes a collective of voices from the whole class .

"Come on then! Let's start!"

We file inside to be greeted by a dusty old cupboard that's wobbling slightly in one corner, a glass tank filled with murky water in another and a cage covered with a blanket, also rattling slightly. I am just wondering what is going on when Professor Ward speaks up over the babble.

"Alright calm down!"
"Today you'll be doing a sort-of circuit" Luna adds

"You will be split into groups of five and the three groups will each take turns tackling the activity that you are at, you will get fifteen minutes at each activity.

"This one-" He gestures at the cupboard, "-is a Boggart" he moves round to the next thing- the tank,

"This one-" He gestures again "-is a Grindylow" he moves to the last item- the cage,

"And this one-" He waves his hand for the third time, "is a bunch of Cornish Pixies. For this activity, walls will be conjured so they can't fly away"
"Okay let's see....." Says Luna
"You four and you" she says pointing at our little group and Ryan Finch-Fletchley.

"1...2...3...4...5." She says, pointing at Lucius, Athena, Kyle Macrae, Megan Ferrier and Eathan Kennedy, the only five Slytherins in this class,

"And yeah.... You five" she ends, pointing at a cluster of Ravenclaws/Hufflepuffs.

"You guys-" begins Professor Ward, pointing at us  "-will begin at the Boggart."

"You five, will start at the Grindylow" he says, pointing at the Slytherins.

"So your group will retreat to the back corner where I will assist you and conjure some walls" he adds to the Raven-puff group.

With a sigh, I head after my friends towards the cupboard. I already know what my Boggart will be, my stand-in family lying on the ground in front of me, dead. I've heard talk of some mirror that does the opposite of a Boggart and wonder why we couldn't just do that instead.

Justin goes first, and we watch Luna being attacked by a giant. It's horrible.
"Ri-ri-riddikulus!" He stutters out and I'm surprised to see that it actually works, the giant turns into a baby kicking and screaming for lack of bottle.

Then it's Jacob. The Boggart changes into what I'm assuming is a clone? Or is it clown? Clown. It's definitely clown, Jacob lives in the muggle world and I hear loads of people are scared of them.
"Riddikulus!" He shouts without a trace of fear. The bush of hair changes to a raccoon and the animal starts to attack the paint-faced man with big feet.

Now it's Tyler, the Boggart splits in half and one half becomes a girl that I don't know, and the other half becomes Jacob.
"Tahlia, will you go out with me?" Boggart Jacob asks.
"Ew no! Hey everyone Snotty just asked me out!"
*laughter from "Tahlia"*
"Riddikulus!" Tahlia changes, begging on her knees, crying
"Why won't you love me, Jacob?"

Now it's Ryan. His Boggart is a podium and a crowd of people asking him to speak, the crowd changes into the ocean and the podium melts into sand.

My turn. I move to the front of the group and immediately the Boggart drops to the floor and splits into three. My family. Dead.

Professor Ward jumps in front of me and the Boggart assumes the shape of an old man. His father? He shuts it back in the cupboard and turns to me.
"Let's get you out of here huh?"
"Uh-huh" I don't trust myself to say any more than this because the tears are already spilling down my cheeks.

"Hey! Look! Lupin's crying everyone! Why're you crying Teddy Bear!" Jeers from the Slytherins. Roaring in my ears. Blackness. I fall to the ground and the last thing I remember is my knees hitting the cold stone.

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