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Teddy's P.O.V

I sigh and hop out of bed. My Uncle Harry really is determined.


"Please Teddy! Please come home!"
"I do want to Uncle Harry! I do! I just can't"
"Why Teddy? Why?" He says, pleading.
"I-I-I..... I don't know." I say, tears springing up in my eyes.
"Please Teddy!" He says, his eyes welling up too.
"O-o-okay" I say, the salty tears spilling over as I blink.
"T-th-thank you!" He sobs, sinking to his knees.


"So, how are we getting home?" I say, uncertainly.
"Uh, good question" says Uncle Harry.
"Minerva? Do you have any Floo Powder?" Asks Auntie Ginny.
"Sorry, ran fresh out this morning" says the Headmistress.
"Oh dear". Auntie Ginny stresses, she gets that worried glint to her eye, Uncle Harry must have noticed this too because he says:
"Don't worry Ginerv-Ginny." He says, changing the name quickly when he sees the scowl on her face. Ginerva. What Grandma Weasley was thinking, I have no idea.
"Minnie, would you be able to lift the enchantments for five minutes so that we can Apparate out?" Says Uncle Harry nervously.
"Of course Ja-Harry." Seeing the startled look on Uncle Harry's face she adds:
"Your father used to call me that is all." Clipping the words with shears of harshness, but sad all the same.

"Well that's it then!" Says Uncle Neville enthusiastically.
"Yes, uh, there's just one problem". I say plainly.
"And what would that be?" Asks McGonagall.
"My backside feels a little. How to put it?....... Airy". I say, red faced and embarrassed. This is when we all notice that I'm only wearing a paper-thin hospital gown.
"Oh Poppy!"
"Yes Headmistress?!" Pomfrey calls from her office.
"Where are this boy's clothes?" She asks sharply.
"Well.... You see....... He...... Ripped them off when he........ Transformed."
"Oh. I see."
"I have his trunk here." Says Uncle Harry.
"Hurry up then! I'll go fetch Filius to take the charms down, then put them back up again when you leave." Says McGonagall tiredly.
"Okay" says Uncle Harry, pulling the curtain around the two of us, shielding me from prying eyes as he helps me to dress; I can't do it myself because of my slinged arm and my bumpy leg.
"Cheers" I say when he's finished helping me get my special Weasley sweater on, one of my arms still inside so that my left sleeve flops miserably.
"Any time. Son." He adds as an afterthought.
"Thanks. Dad." I tag on the end. I see his eyes fill with salt-water again.
"Please don't cry!"
"Because then I will" I say laughing.
"There's the Teddy I miss" he says, also laughing, a beautiful tune, like church bells ringing. I love his laugh.

*five minutes later*

"Yes, yes Filius. I know!" Comes from the door of the large room. "Minnie's" back. With Flitwick.

"But- Minerva!" The tiny man squeaks.
"What now Filius?!" She snaps, as the Charms teacher trundles after her, as fast as his little legs will carry him, towards the curtain that we just pulled back.

"Minerva! He can't be!" Chirps the pint-size professor.
"He is." She says, clearly ending the conversation.
"Oh!" Whines the slight 'Man of Charms'.
"Yes! Now leave the subject alone Filius!" She squawks, looking at him with daggers shooting from her stern stare.
"Sorry Minerva!" Yelps the pitiful professor.
"Right!" She says, turning to face us;
"Down to business!"
"Yes" we all say at the same time.
"Now, Professor Flitwick will take down the charms and protections for five minutes only, you will take Mr. Lupin and Mrs. Potter by side-along apparition, Mr. Potter. You will then leave them at Grimmauld Place and come back for Mr. Lupin's luggage. Understood?" She says, explaining the rules of what was to happen.
"Yes." We all say back at once, this is a woman one does not want to cross, Uncle Neville told me about the time when she took five Stunners to the chest, and here she is, standing in front of me!

*ten minutes later*

We stand huddled together, Auntie Ginny, Uncle Harry and I. Uncle Harry's arm around Auntie Ginny's waist and Auntie Ginny's hand on my right shoulder while Uncle Harry's hand is wrapped under my left armpit and across my chest, his hand overlapping Auntie Ginny's, holding me tightly. This is the first time I've ever Apparated. I hope all goes well, I really don't want to be splinched.

Uncle Neville gives Uncle Harry the signal and in a split-second I feel a sharp, uncomfortable pain below my navel, like a fish on a line, with the hook protruding out it's middle. As suddenly as it came, the pain leaves and my feet are on firm ground, my stomach lurching, I stumble to the closest bathroom. Up one flight of stairs, and another, I get to the second floor and throw my uninjured arm against the seventh door on the right and throw up in the toilet.

Harry's P.O.V

I feel so helpless as I watch Teddy hobble up the stairs to be sick, with a look towards my wife that says: 'make sure he is okay' and a nod of her head, I Apparate out with a loud crack, like a whip.

I arrive back at the castle and immediately grab Teddy's trunk and owl, with a nod of my head towards McGonagall, I Apparate back to our family home in Grimmauld Place.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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