Goodbyes and Hellos*

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As Teddy boarded the train he heard soft sobs coming from behind him.

"Auntie Ginny?"
"Yes dear?"
"I have one request"
"And what would that be?"
"Make sure he doesn't cry too much"
"Okay, Teddy Bear" Ginny replied with a slight laugh in her voice.
"Bye! See you at Christmas! Love you!"
"Love you too, Teddy Bear!"
"Bye Teddy! Love you!" Came a call from a puffy-eyed Harry.
"Love you too, Uncle Harry! Bye!" And there on the platform, both Harry and Ginny broke down, because, from the train there had come a cry of
"Goodbye Mum! Goodbye Dad!"
"Oh! Ted! I have something for you!"
"What is it?!"
"Here!" Harry handed over a small pentagonal piece of card.
"Thank You!" Called a now crying Teddy.
As he turned the card in his hands, someone standing on the platform could see that there, on the Chocolate Frog card he was holding, was Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, Harry had saved that card for when Teddy had left so that his parents could wave him off, and sure enough, they were waving as Teddy hugged the card to his chest.

Teddy's P.O.V

I wave to my stand-in parents as the train started to move, and whisper a goodbye to my card in an empty compartment, on a scarlet engine, in London, on my way to a magical school, in Scotland, under the influence of Headmistress McGonagall. I will soar on a broomstick, eat like a king and most of all, hopefully make some new friends, I mean I can't go around with my little cousin the rest of my life, can I?

My thoughts are interrupted by three boys flinging the door of the compartment open.
"Do you mind if we sit in here? Everywhere else has at least one potential Slytherin"
"No I don't mind at all!"
"Okay! I'm Jacob, Jacob Weathers" says the tall sandy haired one that had spoken.
"I'm Teddy, Teddy Lupin!" I reply enthusiastically, as glad that I might be making friends that I am, my smile fades as I see their jaws drop.
"Are you really?!" A small red haired boy squeaks.
"Uh.... Yeah?"
"Sorry about him" the last boy says after a few minutes of silence, a tall-ish dark haired boy with glasses, he kinda reminds me of my Uncle Harry.
"What are your names?"
"I'm Tyler, Tyler Chang, and that's Justin Lovegood" he says jabbing his thumb towards the red haired boy.
"Pleased to meet you" I extend a hand towards him, if I'm anything, it's polite. The red haired boy, Justin, looks frightfully at me for a minute before Tyler finally takes my hand, shaking it forcefully.
"Pleased to meet you too" he says before letting go of my hand.

Why Me? A Teddy Lupin FanFic  ON HOLDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ