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It’s still one more month till 2012 arrives but I’ve been feeling a certain restlessness to get this year over with. This year, certainly, has been a tornado, going through a near-death experience, a broken heart, losing friends and not to mention the various screw-ups. When realization hits you, it feels like someone has poured ice-cold water on you in mid-winters. We hurt loads of people, break loads of promises intentionally/unintentionally. But you what? Karma is a bitch! It slaps you right on your face and you would be on the ground with no one to pick you up. Isn’t it too late to realize? But this is life.

Some people go through hardships at a very early stage of their life, some get to learn their mistakes eventually but it takes courage to change you. The rat gets distracted and the eagle has its prey. People always want us to be perfect. One wrong step and it becomes history. Thousand right steps count to nothing. There are times when we sit and stare blankly at something with flashbacks playing in our heads. We think of all the embarrassing moments, the regrets, the moment we could kill for and of course the person we want to kill…

It would have been so damn easy if we could change something or the other to make our life easier than it is at the moment, which unfortunately we can’t. I have always been carefree, take-life-as-it-comes kind of a person. But at some point of time you will definitely stop and wonder what you did. At that time what if you can’t find anything worth being happy about? That is the realization I am talking about.

When I was little, my mum used to tell me one thing. That when I die, people should cry for me, not sigh of relief. May sound really cheesy, I laughed at first too. But I am beginning to get what she meant. I don’t hate anyone, and I don’t want hating me. So this SORRY goes to all the people I wronged… And for those who hurt me… I’ll leave it on karma… You are not my problem…

Excerpts from my diary... (Author's note)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें