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And did I tell you that a huge chunk of people suffer from inferiority complex. Something or the other keeps on happening and the observations are amusing enough to keep me going, like for instance, a person — who knows that he is not all that great with his work — tends to cover up his mistake by either sucking up to his senior’s ass or by making a colossal issue out of a minuscule mistake made by his colleague. And the latter keeps on wondering what he has done to deserve this. You have done nothing, my dear; you have just been made the SCAPEGOAT!!!

Usually, in places like High School and Collages, there are two groups: The good and the bad (at least that’s what they think of themselves and vice verse)! But when you come into the corporate world you start developing War Tactics. You must have been the Miss Goody Two Shoes once upon a time, but grow up kid, start mutating into a Miranda Priestly or you are doomed(not exactly, but yeah, you might lose you job). Monsters are waiting to gobble you up so fast that you won’t even realize until they Burp you out! The funny part is that The Group of people keeps on forming alliances, so fast, and their goals and motives change so suddenly that, you would be left wondering what they would do next.

There is never THE WORST situation ever, because every other problem seems to be the greatest. Innocent comments can be Intentionally Interpreted as something else; you can be shown the Red Card for the silliest of mistakes mankind could ever make and lots more. But at the same time it’s an awesome fun working under these conditions. You get to have your own share of controversies and feel like a Diva. I mean that’s all you have to comfort yourself with. Getting a job is no big deal, keeping it is a struggle.

Keep struggling, Keep smiling.

Excerpts from my diary... (Author's note)Where stories live. Discover now