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Throughout the day, Mari was being tortured by her so called friends.
Mari and Adrien walked beside each other. Adrien was trying his best to keep his head in the conversation the group was having, but his hand kept brushing against Mari's.
Mari noticed this and kept a slight blush on her cheeks. After a couple of minutes of this, they both got annoyed of this, and grabbed the other's hand.
The group was walking to Marinette's house. Alya was talking about her blog, which Marinette and Adrien were barely listening.
"I heard Ladybug and Chat kissed," Breanna laughed.
"They have before," Alya nodded, "see."
"What!!" Adrien yelled, yanking the phone away from Alya. He glared at Marinette.
"What?" she acted innocent.
"Don't act all innocent, missy," Adrien continued to glare at her.
"That picture was from a few years ago," she sighed.
"So," he said. Alya snactched her phone back.
Marinette giggled at her cat, waving off his glare. She continued walking to her house.
Alya looked at Nino. There investigator eyes were on, and ready to investigate.

"Mrs. Cheng let me help you with those," Adrien offered his help to bring in the bag of flour.
"Oh, yes, thank you Adrien," she smiled at the boy.
Adrien carried in the flour to the bakery kitchen
"Oh hello, Adrien," Tom smiled at the model.
"Hey, Mr. Dupain," Adrien straightened his back, scared to death about her father.
"Boy, you've always called me Tom whats wrong," he looked in confusion. Adrien gulped, "oh, its about Marinette."
"Yes sir," Adrien looked down.
"Adrien," Marinette walked through the door. Adrien looked back at her. "Papa," Marinette looked at him.
"Adrien... This family will always love you... you will always be welcome here," Tom sighed.
Marinette gulped. "Adrien, Mamman wants to talk."
"Okay," Adrien nodded to Tom, before walking to Marinette.
"Are you okay?... He didn't yell at you did he?..." Marinette grabbed his hands.
"No," he laughed at her."Marinette, Adrien, Master Fu wants to talk to you.. He is suposed to be here~" Tiki started to say. The doorbell rang. "Now." 
"I got it," Alya yelled threw the house.
"No need Alya," Mari slid in front of her. She motioned for Adrien to get it, "Adrien gots it."
"Marinette come here," Adrien called for her.
"Tell Mamman we'll be there in a minute."
"Okay," Alya eyed her.

"What is it," Nino asked, after stuffing his face with food.
"Disgusting," Alya pushed his head to the side, "Marinette's acting strange."
"She seems fine to me," Nino swallowed his food.
"Hey guys.... Is Mari and Adrien in her room making out," Breanna smirked
"No," Alya huffed, "her and Adrien are talking to someone at the door of the bakery."
"Hmm," Nino continue to eat.
"I say we go spy," Breanna said hopping up.
Alya, Nino, and Breanna were beside the door of the bakery.

"Master, I don't understand," Tiki flew like she was pacing.
"Tiki, Adrien has a sister... she Peon... No I won't tell you who she is.. I'll let you figure that out."
"Adrien are you okay?" Marinette asked, putting a hand on his arm.
"I will be M'Lady," Adrien smiled at her.
"Adrien," Marinette hugged him, Tiki and Plagg joining in.
"Well I better get going.. I'm sorry to put this on you Adrien," Master Fu nodded towards them.
"It'll be okay," Marinette hugged him tighter.
"I know," he hugged back, like he was going to lose her. Tiki and Plagg flew back up to Marinette's balcony.
The door opened. "Marinette, your mom wants you and Adrien in here... were starting dinner," Nino sighed seeing the complicated couple having a moment.
"We'll be in a minute," Adrien told him. Nino nodded, closing the door after going inside. "Don't ever leave me, you promise," he looked into her eyes.
"As long as you never leave me," Marinette stuck out her pinky finger. Adrien laughed slightly, pinky promising with her. "Now you get to break my finger if I break the promise."
"Alright... we better get back... Nino might eat all the croissants," Adrien pulled her into the house.

"So what's going on with you two" Nino asked, "you were hugging passionately out there."
"Um..." Adrien looked at Marinette, "We~"
"We are together," Marinette blurted out, her face red as a cherry. She looked at Adrien in shock, like she didn't know what she said.
"Oh finally..." Sabine clapped her hands together.
"We have already started planning her wedding," Alya smiled at Sabine.
Adrien contiued to stare at Marinette.

"So Adrien," Tom stood above him. Adrien gulped. "You want to play some video games?"
Adrien smiled, "yes sir."

Authors Note

Sup my cherries. Heres Chapter 8. Sorry its a short one. I hopefully will have the next chapter longer.
As Always, Stay Cool.

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