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"I can't belevie I said that," Marinette covered her face.
"Well, are you," Breanna asked.
"Were.... Complicated," Mari stared at Adrien.
"Are you serious," Alya sighed.
"We haven't really gotten to talk about it.... And the guy at the door... he gave us some um.... Emotional news," she blushed.

The next day at school, was normal. Marinette and Adrien were still talking but they were acting more like a couple now.

As the days progressed, everything seemed perfect. Marinette stared holes in Adrien's head. He stopped at the park where a photographer ran to them.
"Ah.. is this the beautiful Marinette," he kissed her cheeks.
Adrien smiled, still holding her hand.
"Yes," Marinette blushed.
"Alright Marinette.. I want to you to get changed into this, then come meet Adrien out near the tree."

Marinette grabbed the clothes and went to her tent, that she didn't know they had. She slipped off her clothes, in the white tent. Adrien looked at her tent, seeing the outline of her naked body. He as the inappropriate images came flooding in. He threw his shirt on and walked to her tent.

"Mari..." he said softly.

"One second," she slid her flats on, walking out of the tent. She stood in front of him, twirling. Marinette was wearing a cream shirt, with a navy blue skirt. Her hair was in her usually pigtails. Adrien was wearing a green sweater with a black shirt underneath. He had cacky pants on with black converse.

"Princess you look...... you look beautiful," he moved closer, holding her.

"Thank you, kitty," she kissed his cheek.

The duo walked to the actual shoot. They stood in front of the tree, hugging.

"Perfecto," the photographer snapped a picture, "now Marinette, look into his eyes, as if you're staring at the guy you love most in the world."

Marinette smiled and grew into a blush.

The photographer walked to them and pushed their heads together, he hurried back to his camera. "Ready and poof... there's your cover."

"Are you serious I get to be on the cover," Marinette squealed.

"Well my son gets the cover any other time," Gabriel walked up, proofing the picture, "flawless."

Adrien side smiled at his dad as he packed Marinettes things with his.

"Mr. Agreste!" Marinette shouted. Adrien walked to Marinette, "Dad, this is my girlfriend, Marinette."

Marinette blushed. The thought of having Adrien saying that about her, just made her explode.

"Ah, well Marinette... Adrien gave me a few of your designs and they excelled my expectations... seeing this you're given the title of co-head designer. Congratulations," Mr. Agreste nodded and walked away.
Marinette was silent for a few moments then screamed. Adrien rushed to her side. He petted her head sitting her on a bench close to them.
Marinette's face was tomato. Her face was in Adrien's chest, while Adrien was laughing.
"Stop laughing at me," Marinette looked up at him.
"I'm sorry, but your reaction," Adrien hugged her more.
Marinette smiled, blushing more.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" someone screamed. Marinette jumped up, along with Adrien.
Marinette kissed his cheek before running to hide.
"Transform me," They both said.

Everything is Miraculous: We Know Each Other (REWRITING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now