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Chat and LB were the first ones to the scene.
"Ladybug, Chat Noir.... Where is your newly formed team... Did they leave you?" the new villain laughed.
"No," Chat yelled, hoping they were just late.
As if on cue, Volpina, Jade, and Peon came rushing up.
"Sorry," Peon blushed out of embarrassment.
"As long as you are here," Ladybug smiled. Volpina smiled. Chat looked at the villian. He instantly recognized the girl, Amelia.
"You're missing one," she laughed, evilly, "now please leave... my business is not with you??"
"QB," Chat Noir sighed, "Amelia-"
"I am not Amelia... I am Lover Girl," she laughed.
Jade clenched his fist, "I don't give a damn who you are... Who people love is up to them!"
Volpina looked at Jade with a shocked face. Chat and Ladybug nodded at each other.
"Alright newbies! Watch the pros do it!" Chat Noir threw his normal cheeky grin at 'Lover Girl'. Her heart jumped out of her chest.
Ladybug motioned them to go ahead of her. The team ran ahead with Chat, while LB was looking around. She had already called her lucky charm it was a bucket. She ran across the road and jumped onto a lamp post. "Hey, Lover Girl. Don't you love Chat?"
Chat looked up at her with curiosity. The villain nodded.
The bucket was already on the ground, "then go and get him... he's all yours!"
Chats eyes widened as he looked at the girl, "What?"
The villain smiled, "really!" she started to run over to the cat. She stepped in the bucket and Ladybug wrapped the yoyo around her wrist.
"The keychain!" Ladybug yelled, pulling the fangirl back, "Peon!" Chat nodded toward the shy girl. She ran toward the hand and broke the keychain in half. "You've done enough harm today little butterfly..." she trapped the akuma, "Bye, bye!" Ladybug smiled and she threw the bucket in the air, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

"That had to happen! Then?" Marinette complained laying down on her bed.
Adrien laughed, "her name was fan girl, and she is obsessed with Chat Noir... Oh do i have a admirer?"
Marinette looked up at him, "I beg your pardon... I have been obsessed with you for years."
Adrien leaned down to kiss her nose, "I know... but don't say it like that.... Say you have a crush on me for years... the other way seems stalkerish."
"Rude!" she flipped on her back, "I don't know why I fell in love with you."
Adrien smiled.
"Now I remember," she smiled back.
Adrien kissed her cheek, "we have like about 5 minutes before Alya and Nino come in... what do you want to do?"
"Hmm...I don't know.." Marinette tapped her chin, think of things they could do, "we can pretend to  be watching a movie?"
The sneaky boy nodded, kissing her gently before walking to her computer.
"Meanie.." she huffed walking towards him, "wait don't turn that on!!"
To late. Adrien had already turned it on,  and her embarrassing background popped up.
"You really were obsessed with me.." Adrien smiled at her background, "its cute when you are.. your nt creepy.."
Marinette huffed again, pushing her boyfriend onto her chair, "shut up."
"Alright.." he laughed, allowing  her to push him. He fell onto the chair, but pulled her with him. "What are we watching?"
"I was thinking Deadpool?" she asked looking back him.
He nodded, "Okay."

Authors Note
Hey guys, sorry Ive been so absent lately. I had Christmas and a competition before that. I'm going to be updating shortly.
And I apologize for the short chapter. Hopefully I will have a longer one this week.

Anyway, as Always, Stay Cool

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