important AN

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Hey my cherries... so.. this is very important...
Its semi-good news. I'm rewriting this!
I was looking back at this and it seemed so grammatically incorrect. It was also really rushed. I could have drew the breaking of Adrien out more. I could also put some Marichat and Ladrien in here if I rewrite it. I can also make it accurate to the holders, like The bee miraculous could be with Chloe. I want to make this story as accurate as possible.
I will be keeping Amelia and Breanna though.. they just won't be part of the team, sadly.
Nino still will be part of the team as Jade.
The Peacock pin will still be in the closet at the Agreste house until I need it.
So I'm thinking around the end of next week the first chapter should be up. YAY!!
That's it for now my cherries.. se ya!!

Everything is Miraculous: We Know Each Other (REWRITING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now