Day Three: Baby

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Lisanna examined the cradle that Juvia had pointed out. It was pink, with little purple and yellow butterflies all over it. Nice, soothing colours, but it didn't go with the rest of the furniture, which was green. She turned to tell Juvia that the cradle needed to match the colour scheme, but the blue-haired woman had already moved on.

Lisanna sigh, but was smiling, and absently rubbed her stomach. She was five months pregnant, and had found out about the baby two weeks after Bixlow had come back from his trip with the rest of the boys. They weren't sure of the gender, and decided on a green for the baby's room, since the walls were already green in the apartment.

Yes, Bixlow was finally moving in with Lisanna. They were turning the guest room into the child's room, and Lisanna was so happy that they were finally forming a family. Living together, with their little kitten Milo and new baby would be perfect. Especially since Lucy had given birth only four months ago, to a girl that they named Nashi.

Lisanna and her closest girl friends (Lucy, Mira, Juvia, Erza, and Levy) had gone out shopping for baby things while the boys were having a 'Man's Day Out', which basically meant bowling and eating burgers and doing things that their partner's would not approve of. Erza had commented that they should have a 'Woman's Day Out', and Lisanna was excited at the aspect.

"Lisanna!" Lucy called from a few rows down. "Come look at this!"

Lisanna found her best friend and squealed in delight when she saw the adorable green baby onesies that she was holding up. "Lucy, they're perfect!" she breathed, taking the soft material in her hands and marveling at the careful yellow butterfly stitch-work that made a butterfly. The second one had a blue whale on it, while the third had a red squirrel.

Lisanna dropped them in the cart as Levy tossed in green-capped baby bottles, and Erza put in a few plushes. "The baby will go crazy if they only have green around them," the redhead said seriously as she pointed at the blue, pink, yellow, and white toys. "They need a variety of colours in some way."

Lisanna nodded in agreement. Mira called her sister over and got approval of the little bean-bag that she had looked it. "It's so adorable," Mira said. "And it's matches Victoria's purple one!" Lisanna laughed. "It's perfect, Mira! I'm sure Victoria and the baby will be great friends." Mira nodded happily.

"Lisanna-chan!" Juvia called from the cradle section again. "Coming!" Lisanna called back, hurrying over. Juvia was standing by a cradle, which was dark green, with patterns of different shades greens and some discreet blues and purples near the bottom. Lisanna clasp her hands together. "Perfect, Juvia!"

Juvia grinned, glowing in happiness of her victory, and moved on to help Levy find pacifiers. Lisanna called over a store helper to order the cradle, and when she was done, she joined her friends. They all dumped things in the cart, and claimed they were done. "Let's go, then." Lisanna said, finally wheeling over to the check-out area.

After paying for everything and lugging the multiple bags to Erza's Range Rover, they hopped in the car and got ready to go set everything up at Lisanna's apartment. Erza in the driver's seat, Lisanna in passenger, while Lucy, Levy, Mira, and Juvia and fit into the backseat.

"That was super fun," Levy sigh happily. "I can't wait until your baby is born, Lisanna! They'll have so many friends already. Xander and Drea, Victoria, Nashi..." Xander and Drea, or Alexander and Andrea, were the twins of Levy and Gajeel. They were three years old, only two years younger than Victoria.

"I'm glad," Lisanna agreed. "Though I'm sure they'll have more friends coming..." she wiggled her eyebrows at Juvia and Erza, who both blushed (Juvia more noticeably). "I mean, out of all of us, I honestly expected you two to have children first! It's a shock that you don't have a small army of babies at this point!"

Murmurs of agreement filled the car.

"All in good time." Erza said simply, while Juvia nodded rapidly to agree. Lisanna laughed and sat back in her seat, gazing out of the window. "I can't wait until the baby is born," she whispered to herself, laying a hand on her stomach.

"Our family is going to be perfect."

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