Day Seven: Future

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"Mama!" cried a little, five-year old boy as he crashed into Lisanna, hugging her. "You're back!"
Lisanna grinned and set down the groceries, picking up Reece. "That's right! How is it going with Nashi, Nash, and Lucille?"
Reece's big blue eyes shone with happiness. "Fun!"
Lucy Heartfilia emerged from the kitchen, carrying a one-year old baby girl named Lucille, and her two other children following by foot. Nashi, the oldest, was a year older than Reece, now six. Nash, a boy, was two years younger, and three years old.
"Hey, Lisanna," Lucy smiled, bumping shoulders with her friend.
"Hi, Lucy," greeting Lisanna. "Is Reece giving you too much trouble?"
Lucy laughed. "Oh, no! He's a little angel, and he gets along great with everyone. He's been asking for you all afternoon, though."
Lisanna set Reece down and ruffled his black, inky hair. "I'm back now, sweetie. Hello, Nashi, Nash," she kissed them both and the head and turned to Lucille, smiling joyfully. "And hello, little Lucy!"
"Gah!" exclaimed Lucille cheerfully, waving her arms around.
Lisanna and Lucy sat down at the kitchen table, with Lucille on Lucy's lap and Nash sat in one of the chairs. Nashi and Reece went off to play. Lucy yawned and said, "I'm tired. It's a lot of work, having kids, isn't it?"
Lisanna nodded. She only had one child - plus Milo, but that didn't really count - but she still put in a lot of effort and work to raise him them best she could. She also parented her friends' children when they couldn't. "It's worth it, though," she said. "They're all wonderful."
Lucy nodded, stroking Lucille's head softly. "I agree," she said. "I love them all. They're our entire future."
Lisanna sat back in her chair, grinning, thoughts about her family and friends and home filling her head. "Our entire future." she confirmed.

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