Day Five: Soul

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Lisanna sobbed in joy and soreness, pulling her newborn baby into her arms. Bixlow burst into the hospital room, looking frantic. He seemed to dissolve as he saw down next to Lisanna on the bed and wrapped an arm around her, touching the baby carefully with his other hand. "Boy or girl?" he whispered.

"Boy," sniffled Lisanna as her sobs ceased to happy weeping. "Welcome to the family, then, Reece." Bixlow said, landing a soft kiss on the baby boy's head. Lisanna did the same and whispered an echo of the words. "Welcome to our family, Reece."


Two days later...

The couple and their newborn baby boy - named Reece - had just gotten home from the hospital. Their cat, now nine months old, bound up to them curiously, mewling. "Hey, Milo," Lisanna laughed weakly, sitting down on the couch as Bixlow went to make tea. "Meet Reece."

Milo's whiskers twitched and he sniffed Reece cautiously before letting out a happy meow before touching his nose to Reece's forehead. Lisanna let out another laugh. "Milo approves of Reece," she called to Bixlow. "Well that's good," was the response. "We would've have to given away Reece otherwise."

Lisanna watched as Milo inspected Reece, making sure that the cat didn't step on the baby, while Bixlow brought in the tea and a small bowl of milk for Milo. Lisanna adjusted her potion so that she was leaning against Bixlow's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.

"He's so beautiful," she whispered, gazing at Milo. She had seen Mira go through this, Levy, and then Lucy. Lisanna had seen the pure happiness and dreaminess that having a baby had given her sister and best friends, but never really understood or felt it herself. Now she did, and it was the best feeling she'd ever had.

"He is," Bixlow agreed, reaching down to stroke Reece's soft skin. "He's already perfect."

"A part of our souls," Lisanna said.

"Exactly. He's a part of the puzzle of our souls. You're purple, I'm blue, Milo is yellow, and Reece is green."

Lisanna sigh happily, running her finger along Reece's button nose. "You're right, Bixlow." she agreed. "Reece is the green in the puzzle of souls."

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