Day Four: /Hogwarts/ AU

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Lisanna Strauss plopped down at the breakfast table, yawning but smiling happily. "Good morning!" she said in a drowsy voice to her best friends, Lucy, Levy, Juvia, and Erza. The five of them shared the fifth-year girls dorm for Griffindor. Lisanna waved a hello to her older brother, who was a Griffindor seventh-year.

"Good morning!" Lucy replied cheerfully, biting into a piece of toast. "It's finally the weekend, which means..." "Hogsmeade!" the girls echoed back. Lucy grinned and pointed her toast at Juvia. "Did you ask Gray out again, Juv?" The blue-haired girl nodded glumly. "Juvia doesn't think he'll ever say yes."

Lisanna have her a sympathetic look and turned to Levy. "Please tell me you're spending the day with Gajeel. You obviously like him, and it's about time you asked him to go to Hogsmeade with you."

Levy blushed a deep shade of scarlet. "Hush! I do not like that idiot Gajeel Redfox. And for Merlin's sake, he's right over there with the rest of them!"

"Well I'm going with Jellal." Erza stated calmly. "Since I'm the only one who was brave enough to ask out the guy I liked."

"I don't like anyone!" Lisanna exclaimed at the same time as Lucy and Levy.

Juvia and Erza laughed, looking disbelieving. "No matter how much you deny it, you have a thing for Gajeel," Erza pointed at Levy. Juvia continued, looking at Lucy, "And you are obviously in love with Natsu!"

"And you, Lisanna, have had a crush on Bixlow since forever!"

"Shut up!" Lisanna hissed, feeling her cheeks burn. "I do not! He's my best guy friend, after Natsu. I would never have a crush on him! He's just so..." The girl glanced over to where the fifth-year Griffindor boys were sitting, focusing in on Bixlow. He was just so what? Adorable? Funny? Handsome? Mischievous? Brave?

Her friends gave her a look, and Lisanna rolled her eyes. "You can't prove anything," she said, standing up. "I'm going to grab a coat for Hogsmeade." She hurried upstairs to the dorms, where she threw on a dark brown coat with a white fur hood over her skinny jeans, dark purple turtleneck, and knee boots. After putting her short - but growing - hair into low pigtails, she departed.

Lisanna felt her heart thud in surprise when she saw none other than Bixlow in the common room, and called out, "Hey, Bixlow!" before he noticed her first. Bixlow looked up from a book and set it down, standing up. "Hey, Lisa! Hey, I just saw you leave, and I wanted to ask..." He blushed before continuing in a rapid voice. "DoyouwanttogotoHogsmeadewithme?"

Lisanna stood in shock for a few moments, feeling her cheeks heat up. She did deny it every time it was brought up, but she had a crush on Bixlow, ever since second year. The fifth year Griffindor students were all good friends, going out together all the time during the school year and summer, and Lisanna had gotten to know Bixlow pretty well. She couldn't help but feel feelings other than friendship.

"Of course!" she burst out, glowing with a smile. Bixlow grinned happily, and took her hand before they went downstairs and joined the masses of students leaving the castle. Lisanna felt joy fill her up as she curled her fingers around Bixlow's warm hand. She was also pretty certain she heard her friends screech as the couple walked past them.

She would be getting an earful tonight.

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