Day Six: Family

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"Reece, no!" screeched Lisanna as the babbling one-and-a-half year old picked up handfuls of blended peaches and threw them against the wall. Lisanna rushed over and grabbed the laughing baby's hands before he could cause any more damage. "Come on, sweetheart." she murmured, wiping his hands and then the wall.

Milo poked out his tongue and licked the wall, then recoiled, his nose wrinkled. "I guess you don't like peaches, do you, Milo?" Lisanna said, laughing. Milo hopped up onto the table, the bell on his yellow collar jingling cheerfully. Reece laughed in delight, grabbing for the cat. Milo kept his distance but swatted Reece affectionately with his tail.

Lisanna washed her hands, keeping a close eye on her baby. She then proceeded to pick up the little plastic spoon and try to convince Reece to each it. "Come on, Reece," she cooed. "It's yummy, I promise!" Just as Reece took a bite, Lisanna's phone rang from the living room.

The woman rushed to it and the rushed back to the kitchen, cradling the phone between her head and shoulder as she continued to feed Reece.


"Hi, Lisanna!" Juvia's voice sang from the other line. "Juvia has some news for you."

Lisanna make silly faces to get Reece to eat as she responded, "Well, tell me!"

"Juvia was going to tell Lisanna in person, but this was faster..."

"Just tell me!"

"Juvia is going to have a baby!"

Lisanna gasped, then shrieked, "Juvia! That's wonderful! Oh my goodness, congratulations! Have you told anyone else?"

Juvia laughed in happiness. "Only Levy and Lucy, but Juvia plans on telling Erza today. How is it going with Reece?"

"It's a challenge, but I love him," Lisanna responded. "We'll have to get together with everyone and plan your baby shower and a party and everything! Juvia, this is wonderful!"

"Thank you, Lisanna! Juvia and Gray are very happy... It's the perfect time in our lives to start a family."

"I'm so happy for you two, Juvia! Oh- Reece- not again!" Lisanna cursed as Reece hurled the whole bowl of his lunch at the wall. "I'm, sorry, but Reece is causing trouble. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay! Goodbye, Lisanna!"

"Bye, Juvia!"

Lisanna mopped up the mess with a paper towel, glaring at Reece. "Why can't you just eat the food?" she sigh, shaking her head. The sound of the door opening made her heart light up, and she smiled as Bixlow entered the kitchen. "You're home!"

"For my lunch break," Bixlow said, planting a kiss on the top of Lisanna's head and patting Reece. "Has this little devil been making a mess again?"

Lisanna nodded and dropped the last of the paper towels into the trash. "I don't think he likes peaches very much," she admitted, giving Bixlow a proper hug. "He's been throwing them around all afternoon."

Bixlow raised his eyebrows at Reece, who giggled and exclaimed, "Biwo!", which was his name for his father. Bixlow grinned and reached into the refrigerator, pulling out a different little bowl of mashed fruits. "How about kiwi?"

He set the bowl in front of Reece, and stood with Lisanna - and Milo - waiting anxiously. Reece slowly and carefully poked the food, then licked it, and then chucked it at his parents. Lisanna groaned, Bixlow laughed, and Milo hissed as the were doused in sticky kiwi.

"That's not fair, you little devil!" Bixlow claimed, hugging a happy, screeching Reece, therefor getting the substance all over him as well. Lisanna smiled softly, holding Milo close to her chest the same way she did the day that Bixlow got him for her.

They were a perfect family, in her eyes. The mother and father, caring and fun and in love. The baby, happy and growing and sweet. And the cat, who had been there for all of Reece's existence, and was as much as a family member as the rest of them.

A perfect family, she thought to herself as Reece licked the kiwi off of his arm and Bixlow laughed and Milo meowed loudly in protest. A perfect family.

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