Scratches are Worse then Bites (Teen Wolf)(Derek Hale)

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"Guys, remind me why we're doing this again?" Scott asks for the millionth time as we walk through the forest.

"Because, me and stiles were bored, and your our sidekick...and we were bored." I laugh, bumping my shoulder into Scott's playfully.

"Besides your the one always bitchin about how nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles finally comes into the conversation.

"That so doesn't mean that I wanted you and Max to drag me out of bed at 1am, to look for a dead body." He says while giving both of us the evil eyes.

"Dude! Dead body = not boring!" Stiles yells, rolling his eyes.

"What half of the body are we even looking for?" Scott asks, fair point, I don't know either.

"I don't know, my dad's call never said." Stiles said.

"And what do we do if the killer is still out here?" Scott continues, hoping for an actual answer.

"Another thing I didn't think about!" Stiles laughs weakly, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm glad you thought this over so well." Scott says with overbearing sarcasm.

"I know what we'd do," I say confidently.

They both have their eyebrows raised waiting for my explanation.

"I would push one of you two," I say pointing at them,"In front of the killer, while I make a break for it." I smile sweetly.

"Thanks Max, it means so much to me that you'd be willing to sacrifice me." Stiles let's out a huff of laughter as we continue walking through the forest.

"Get down!" stiles yells before dunking under a log, Scott followed, while I hid behind a tree.

Flashlights landed right on Scott and stiles,

They were caught.

"Stiles! Scott! get over hear now!" I heard Mr.stilinksis voice boom, stiles dad.

They scrambled up and walked quickly over, sighing in defeat.

"Do you listen to all I my calls?" stiles dad asks

"Not the boring ones" stiles says in a high pitched voice.

"Now where's your other partner in crime?" Mr.stilinksi countinues

"Who? max? she.... couldn't come... said she wanted a good night sleep..." stiles said

God, he was the worst liar ever!

"Maxine! I know your out there!" Mr.stilinksi yells

After minutes of waiting, he sighs in defeat, ten turns to stiles and scott, grabbing them by their necks,

"Now we are gonna have a talk about privacy..." slowly his voice faded as he walked farther away.

Great! now I'm alone, in the forest, in the pitch black, with no memory of which way we came from. sweet.

I started to walk amiably through the forest, when I heard a snap.

"Hello?" I said, my voice echoing through the open space.

I started to jog lightly, wen I heards another snap, bit ahead I me this time. Now I was full on sprinting to find a way out, when I heard one more snap, then a low husky growl.

Oh god! I'm gonna die arnt I ?

I was slammed against the wet earth, someone's breath steaming in my face . I peaked one eye open, for they were shut as tight as possible. what I saw made me gasp, two bright red, glowing eyes! this thing was hairy all over almost like...a wolf? but there were no wolves in California.

Scratches Are Worse Then Bites (Teen Wolf) (Derek Hale) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now