Confesions.....kind of...not really

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I walk to my door, planning on walking in...but, really? Who wants to walk into there house, just to be hit? I walked around to the back of my house, luckily my moms room is on the complete other side of the house, so I don't have to worry about her hearing me. I climbed up the tree on te side of out house, and since my window is open and my bed is right in the wall, underneath the window, I jump for it, sprawling onto my bed.

I just had a shity day...i take that back, iv had shity week.

First I, not only lost, but attacked in the woods by a wolf, which no one knows about....i think...what was I doing with Derek? does he know? that day was a blur. was it days or hours ago? how long was I sleeping? sooooo many questions!

Anyways! that happened, then Scott got attacked, by probably the same wolf but was actually turned, even though he dosent believe it yet.

Then my mom fricken attacked me, and then....i don't remember...

Oh! let's not forget that I'm seeing my dead brother and father!

So as you can see my week has been just so incredibly great! *you better note the fucken sarcasm*

Sadly I am soaking wet and cold and just gross, oh don't forget muddy. so I supppppose I'll take a long hot shower.

As I get in I start to think about derek, cause you know the shower is where decisions are made. Derek, Derek hale. pretty sure he hates my guts, but then why was I with him? And why did he look so concerned? I just don't understand!

He's obviously a werewolf, all big, buff, and badass. and...he would always growl in my dreams...not that I actually dreamed about Derek...just if he was I bet he would...shut up

Now I was rolled up in my bed, staring at my pitch black room...then I realized, I have school tomorrow. Great, just great.


I called stiles up in the morning to tell him I don't need a ride today, he starts to inturupt but I said I just needed to clear my head and walk. he eventually let it go.

So here I am, frezzing in a mini skirt with gray flowers on it, a black tank top and a gray sweater to match, then just some gray high top converse. did I mention that it's fucken 38 degrees right now? probably wasn't my smartest choice to walk today of all days.

I can see my breath, and my eyelashes are one degree away from frezzing, along with my whole body.

Let's just summarize what's going on one more time,

"Scott's a werewolf, Derek's a werewolf, there's some one trying to kill scott, who may or may not be derek, someone's probably trying to kill me, and it's only the first week of school. great! oh and let's not forget that I'm seeing dead people." I ramble off to my self quietly, before adding

"I need an Angel to help me out sort through all this shit!" I said, louder then I intended, and I sure as hell wasn't expecting a response,

"I can be your angel." a male voice said, rater a little to creepy for me to take comfort to, and the next thing I know was that I was being man handled, and a hand go over my mouth,

"Your stupid" a little voice said in my head,"your a teenage girl, alone walking, before it's even light outside." Te voice inside of my head shut up after I bit the mans hand and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

My turn to run for my life...again. I hope I don't make a habit I this.

I take a quick glance behind me, to catch a look at my attacker, but no ones even there. where'd they go?


The first thing I do as I walk into campus was walk towards the bath room. I looked at my self from the reflection of my phone, and I had blood on my lip and chin from biting the guys hand, my shirt is all screwed up and my hair looks cray cray. I just about made it up the stairs before I met a familiar glare across the yard.


Why is he always here!? he graduates at least 3 years ago! He gave me another confused look as I put my head off and powered through the campus to the bathroom.


I walked out of the girls BR looking as good as I left my house this morning, I then walked to my first class.

It was only 5 minutes into class and I was bored out of my mind. this is gonna be one longggg day.

Guess what! turns out I was dead on about it being a boring as hell day. it's only 3rd period and I'm tempted to walk out. if you haven't noticed, I'm nether a good student grades wise nor am I attentive in class. so I play angry birds on my phone, original I know but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.

"Ms.Krean, would you like to put your phone away?" mr.marten said in a bored tone.

"Not really." I said and countinued to play on my phone, bad choice.

I heard foot steps comin my way and the next moment, my phone was on the teachers desk, and I was angry bird-less.

"Detention after school, with me" he said with a hint of enthusiasm of getting to hold me captive, he was almost worse ten mr.harris.

I groaned inwardly and gazed out the window. what I saw will be in my nightmares for weeks, a wolf, no a wolf is an understatement, more like a the size of a small elephant was pacing back and forth right on the edge of the forest, with bright red eyes, burning holes into mine. just fricken great.


"What'd you do this time?" Scott asked as he plopped down next to on the lawn during lunch.

"I was playing angry birds.....again..." I say smirking up at him.

"You have worse grades then me, and that sayin something." he bumped my shoulder, but secretly had a concerned look on me.

"Chill out, ill just.....marry rich" I smiled at him, trying not to crack a smile.

They all know that I hate sexism, I do not want to be a stay at home mom, I want to work and get the paycheck.

"Huh!?" he replies confusion glossing his eyes

I just couldn't suppress the gigantic smile tht plastered across my face.

"I'm joking! so are you going to Lydia's party tonight?" I said while wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"Ya, actually with allison"

"Allison as my friend Allison that you are obsessed with? she actually agreed to e your date?" I said joking around

"Ha. ha. very funny, and yes she did."

"Wow,never would've gussed" I sarcastically remarked

"Your worse then stiles, oh by the way were all meetin up at his place tonight, before the party, k?"

"Sure, sure whatever." I say, throwing away the rest of my apple.

If only I knew what was going to happen, I would have brought chains.





Scratches Are Worse Then Bites (Teen Wolf) (Derek Hale) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now