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I drag derek out to the parking lot, looking for stiles beat up jeep, and finally spit it. Of course he's the first one pulling out.

I wobble over to him, Derek literally being dragged by his arm.

"Wha-holy hell, what is he doing here!?" stiles yells, freaking out, jumping out of his car.

"He was looking for me and scott...he looks pretty bad" I say the last part more to my self then to stiles.

"Help me get him into your car" I add, dragging him towards the back seats.

"What? no!"

"Now!" I yell at stiles, making him mutter a couple 'fine's and haul Derek in the back seats.

"Scott....get...scott" Derek puffs out, losing consciousness.

"Derek! stay awake!" I yell slapping him a little, making his eyes pop open.

"Keep him awake!" I tell stiles running to find scott, only to find him 3feet in front of me next to the bike racks.

"Scott! come here now!!" I yell Turing back to stiles car.

"What's wrong?" he asks, not seeing Derek yet.

"Derek needs you, badly"

"Why? what does he want?"

"Your help!" I snarled, causing him to flinch a little, why I don't know. He raises his arms in surrender, walking towards the jeep.

"Ew! whats wrong with him?" He makes a scrunched up face in distaste.

"Iv been shot" Derek huffs out, then explains what Scott must do.

"You want me to go to my girlfriends house to steal a bullet?!" he asks, astonished at the demand. Derek only nods in return.

"No! no wayyy!" Scott yells shaking his head wildly.

Derek coughs, looking paler by the minute.

"You have to, I'll die if you don't" he replies, practically begging him."

"No! there has to be another way!" Scott says starting to walk away.

"What?!" I yell, "fine! I'll do it!" I yell, looking at Derek who asks,

"Are you friends?"

He meant Allison


"Be careful"

I nod and run over to Lydia, Jackson and allison, all Of them riding together.

"Hey Jackson, can I have a ride?" I ask

"Any thing for you" he whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spin. since he was completely wasted at the party, he doesn't remember trying to kiss me.

I force a smile back, restraining myself from punching him in the face. I jump in the back next to Allison.

"Where to?" Jackson asks, speeding down the high way.

"Uh..." I pause thinking of somewhere near Allison's house

"Hardware store" I think of off the top of my head, that's only 4 minutes away from her.

"Whatcha gettin there?" Lydia asks, her perfect eyebrows raised.

"Chains" I blurt out, not thinking before I said it out loud

"Kinky" I hear Jackson mutter with a smirk, his eyes trailed on me through the front mirror with lust clear in them, luckily Lydia didn't hear not see or I'd probably fin myself buried alive.

He pulls over and drops me off before speeding away.

I don't start to walk until their not in sight anymore. now, how am I going to steal a bullet out of Allison's giant house, without being detected?





Scratches Are Worse Then Bites (Teen Wolf) (Derek Hale) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now