Hooked on a feeling

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"Let' ya know, everythin's all right-!" I take a breath, tossing a pair of socks into my laundry bin. Ever since I saw Guardians of Galaxy, all the songs are stuck in my head, including this one.

"IIIIIIII-I'm hooked on a-"


I pause, turning my head to one side, why is someone knocking on the door? Any one I know just kinda, crawls through my window... well, all except Stiles, but he doesn't bother to knock, half the time I don't even know he's here until I wander down to the kitchen and he's munchin on some left over pizza.

I jump down the last few steps, and twist the handle open.

"Hello-?" I look around.

"Helllooooo, anybody here?" I'm met with silence, Guess not. I start to slam the door, but a box catches my eye. I stop the door from shutting and look down, seeing a package, just a plain, slightly larger then the everyday UPS box pushed up against the door.



Suspicious much? I grab it, and quickly walk over and snatch up a knife from the kitchen. I wonder what's in it? A late birthday present? Despite my hopes, I keep the knife in grabbing distance just in case a rabid animal jumps out.

I pull the flaps open, revealing turquoise wrapping paper and multiple items stacked in it.

Three words are written on a small piece of paper, I scan over the beautiful cursive writing,

~Make a Wish~

Creepy! I flip over the card, no other marks are scratched onto the white paper, still no signature.

What do I do? Do they actually want me to...make a wish? I cautiously take out the first object, un covering it. My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion, it's a painting.

Why would someone send me a picture? And a picture of a grave sight, non the less? A black cat is perched on a tombstone. Another cat, this one white with pale blue eyes is in a pouncing position, staring at the other animal. I don't take another glance as I set it next to my feet, although the eerie theme travels to the next picture as well.

Two people, the stereo type of a Californian, are surfing on a wave, no more then two arms length away. But their connection is broken, a sharks open mouth is in between both the girl and boy. No doubt waiting to take a bite.

The next three are not as appealing as the others, ones just a picture of a Class A family, collared shirts, dresses and fake smiles. All of which, mine don't contain. Another is of purple glowing eyes, with hints of Blue and red in it. The Last is a portrait of some random old lady with a crazed look in her eyes.

It comes down to the last three, a lake spread across a green field, the ice it's self is frozen, and the middle of the lake is cursed with cracked ice. I yank out one of the last pictures, which was a concert with bright colors splattered across the canvas. I quickly toss that aside, and pull out the last one. 'More notes!" I think to myself, chills running up and down my spin as I read it,

Hope your wish doesn't come back to bite.

Yoah there! Who the fuck sent me this? I might not be effected by the last few words if I wasn't involved with werewolves, who do indeed bite. I pile all of the paintings back up into the box and haul them back up to my half clean room, seeing as how I was interrupted by the door before I could finish.

I throw the box on my bed, some of the paintings scatter across my bed. I quickly finish cleaning and hop in the shower, taking my time as I wash my hair. Who would send me the pictures? It's not like it was from a friend, no one I know would do that, except maybe a guy name Earl, I broke his heart in kindergarten when I refused to play on the monkey bars with him. He never did get revenge.

Issac wouldn't, he's my brother after all, speaking of which, he wants to know if we can talk. Yes? No? I'm thinking the latter, it's not that I don't like him but... What does he want? I can't give him anything like a mom, mines more of a Demon then anything human. I grab my towel, stepping out of the shower. I forgot to mention it's 4:30 in the morning, I can't sleep, sue me. Luckily school starts soon so I won't be wandering my house aimlessly all day.

Who would'a thought that I would ever be content with going to school? Might need to re think that statement after Mr.Harris.


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Sorry!! School got in the way lol. 

Scratches Are Worse Then Bites (Teen Wolf) (Derek Hale) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now