Belt Buckles

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I get off my bed, grabbing my phone, then I push open the window and crawl out. The hospital will freak when they come in and realize I'm gone, but what would I say when they see a huge bite mark across my coller bone, and then it starts to heal in front of their eyes? So I'll deal with them later, I already have what I'm going to say memorized, 'I tried to move my toes, and it worked, then the feeling in my legs came back! It must have been a miricle!' sounds good, right?

So you're probably wondering, yes I will shift into a werewolf the next fullmoon, which is in a couple days I think. I'm already a walking girl, and I'm on my way to see Scott and Stiles in person. I dont think they'd want to find out that I'm a hairy monster over text. Derek already left, tellling me he'd check on me tonight.

I pass by a clothing store, I glance down at my hospital gown. I need new clothes before someone calls the hospital, reporting a teenager with basically no clothes on. I take my phone case off, reveling a credit card, for emergencies only. But my mom's too drunk most of the time so I know she wont even notice.

15 minutes later I walk out with a dark green tank top, a black tight skirt and black combat boots. Basically, it's Badass, and since I am a werewolf, I think I'm already intitled to being badass.

I take out my phone, dialing Stiles number.



"Hello? Max? What's wrong?!" His panicked voice yells into the speaker.

"Calm down weirdo, where are you guys?"

"Just at The Pizza Place, but we can come and see you right now, we'll just get the stuff to go. Waiter!" He rushes out,

"Yoah, my adderal high friend, just stay there for about 10 more minutes okay?" He laughs at my comment, but comes back with an "ok." I hang up the phone, and just about 10 minutes later I see them through the window, both looking sad. Wonder what happene- Oh wait, probably me. I smile at my self, Im natuarlly blonde, what can I say?

I stare at them for a few more seconds before Stiles looks directly at me, the soda he was just about to drink falls out of his hand, spilling ice- and probably rootbeer- everywhere. Nice goin Stiles.

Scott looks at his friend, probably wondering why he's so weird but then follows the line of his gaze, and lands on me. They both rush out before I can even give a smile.

"Max!? Is this really you? They-They said you'd never walk again!" Stiles exclaims, touching my arms and slapping my cheeks to make sure I'm actually here.

"That's why I needed to talk to you... Derek came over, and he.... he gave me the bite." I don't sugar coat it for them, whats the point? They'd ether figure it out now or when we're all having a sleep over and I shift and tear off Stiles head.

"What!?" Scott yells, causing a few walkers to glare at us.

"What were you thinking?! This is going to destroy your life-" He continues to yell.

"What? Scott, I was going to be paralyzed for the rest of my life, It was this, or sucide. I think I picked rather well, don't you?"

"We could have found another way-"

"Last time I checked, the only way of curing your body of not working form the waist down, is the supernatural Scott, but please, I'm open ears to your idea." Stiles shoves Scott's shoulder lightly,

"Come on Scott, I would have done the same thing, and so would you." He holds up his finger before Scott can interrupt again.

"Don't you say we don't know what it's like, cause we do. We have been hear the whole time since it's all started." This is why I love Stiles. Scott glares at both of us and mumbles a whatever before walking in the oppisite direction. Jerk

"Come on, I bet your hungry, you can have the rest of Scott's food." And we walk back into the resturant.



"I can teach you how to control it starting tomorrow- Can you skip school?" Derek ask's as we sit on my bed.

"Your a bad influence on me... but ya, I was already planning on ditching anyways so your in luck." I give him an eye roll, he starts to say something else but my door bursts open, my mom walks through and as soon as she see's Derek her eyes light up with anger. Oh no.

I snap my head to Derek,

"Did you hear her?!" I whisper

"Ya, I didn't think it was a big deal-"

"MAX! What do you think your doing?! Having a boy in my house!" She opens up the closet and pulls out an all to familiar belt, it still has dried blood on the end from last time.

Before Derek can react she swings it towards me, belt buckle first, hitting me straight across the cheek. I cry out in pain, dropping to the floor, Derek rushes to my side.

"YOU ARENT MY DAUGHTER YOU SLUT! IF YOU EVEN THINK OF WHOREING AROUND WITH BOYS YOU WONT BE LIVING HERE!! NOW GET OUT!" She slams the door after her, my eye is gushing blood all over my carpet no matter how hard I try to stop it, I'll probably get punished for staining it later.

"Max, God, I'm so sorry-" Derek lifts me back up into the bed.

"It's fine." I sniffle before continuing,

"It happens all the time, you being here just gave her a specific reason to do it." I grimace as another wave if pain hits me, but I'm used to it by now.

"I'll see you tomorrow Derek, I need to clean this up before she gets back..." I nod my head to the stain on the floor.

"What? Your crazy! Your coming home with me tonight! No way am I letting you stay here with that lunatic-" He glances at me, probably thinking I'll be mad at him for saying that,

"No please, keep yelling at my mom, It's refreshing to hear someone besides my self say it." He looks at me with pain filled eyes before hosting me on my feet.

"We need to put something over that to stop the bleeding." He comments, looking around the room.

"I've used all the bandages and the towels are right outside her room so, can we just wait till we get to... wherever we're going?" He thinks about it for a second before giving a shake of his head.

"Then wha-" He grabs the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head in one swift movement.

"Really Derek? Your totally pulling a Jacob from twilight." He looks at me funny, I guess he's never seen the movie?

But hot damn! His abs and.... Jesus, I'm staring and he knows I'm staring but I'm so not going to look away-

"Maxxxx" He taunts, I tear my eyes away from his body muttering a Mhm, he gives me a small laugh and brings the shirt up to my eye,

"Let's go." he says, climbing out the window.

I take a moment to think,

I'm going to Derek Hale's house! I let this sink in...Holy shit I'm going to Derek Hale's house! I giggle with glee and follow him outside.


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