The wolf cries hungry and lonely howls to the moon if only, if only

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"We have to get her out of here!" Scott whispers to Stiles as the whole class is staring at me, while Mr. Harris has already run to the office for help.

'What? Where! She needs a hospital not a good nights rest!" Stiles un bearable sarcasm shines through even though I can barely breath.

"No, whatever happened, Isaac did it when he dripped the Kanimia poison on the crystal- She needs Deaton." Scott tries to shout at his best friend quietly, but I'm not sure it worked, people are giving them weird looks or maybe its just me.

"Fine Fine, hurry up and get her out of here before Harris shows back up." Stiles helps pick me up with Scott, grabbing me by the shoulders and carries me out the room, no one even stops us.

"It's *Cough* getting wor *Cough* Cough* Worse." I tell them as they lay me down in Stiles Jeep.

"Its okay Max, its all going to be okay." Scott mutters, moving his hands up and down my hair thats sticky from sweat. Stiles guns the jeep and goes well passed the speed limit.

"So I guess *Very long painful cough* you Aren't mad at me anymore?" I give him a shaky laugh and he just looks at me like a brother would.

"I could never be mad at you for longer then a few hours." He gives me a soft smile which I return. This peaceful moment doesn't last as long as I hoped- I roll over, grimacing in pain and let out a few gut wrenching coughs, blood splattering across Stiles seats.

"Sorryyyy." I apologize, Stiles looks back at me and crinkles his nose at the blood but of course tells me it's okay. I just nod my head, not having the energy to argue.

"Scott, maybe you should call Derek-" I cry out, not in pain but in anger.

"No way! He's the one who did this to me!"

"He might be able to help." Scott tries to reason, all ready getting out the phone in his pocket.

"Help how? Get the poison out that he put in me!? This is all of his *cough* God dammit! See! I'm coughing up my lungs cause of that dog!"

"Max, listenin to me-"

"Too late, we're already here." Stiles says, slamming his door shut and

carries/drags me to the door.

Scott shoves open the door and calls for Deaton, but there is already another voice talking to the vet.

A familiar voice.

A very familiar one.


Fuck. Me.

Scott doesn't pay any mind at first, still calling for Deaton like Bloody Mary. The dark skinned man comes through a door way, followed by Derek.

"Yes Scott? What seems to be the proble-" He stops mid sentence as his gaze lands on me. His eyes light up when he see's me but I barely notice, Derek is the one I'm focused on. His light green eyes looking duller then usual, but somehow still glistening every which way you look at them. His chin is more full with hair then usual, it looks like he hasn't shaved for a few days, which is abnormal for the usual cut clean beard. I wonder why he hasn't taken the time to shave, has he been worrying about me? But the usual scowl is replaced with concern... Which I find ridiculous, he was the one to say he would kill me, so what has changed his mind. Or is he still planning on doing so, just feeling a bit of remorse for me?

Either way, I'm still pissed off. And to make matters worse he totally notices my stare, my blush deepens, but I doubt he takes note, my cheeks are most definitely splattered with blood, at least its good for one thing, covering up the deep scarlet color that is plaguing my cheeks with its presence.

"Bring her to the table." I go into another tantrum of coughing before Deaton can even examine my throat to see whats the matter.

"And you said all you did was drip a few things of kanimia poison on her food?" The vet looks back at Derek who only nods his head and says.

"Ya, she should have either been unaffected or gone paralyzed for a bit."

"Well obviously thats not happening sour wolf." Stiles opens his trap again, only receiving a glare from Derek.

"Okay Max, I'm going to need you to open your mouth big, like your going to the dentist. Can you do that for me?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Im in pain, not dumb." Stiles just scoffs at my attitude while everyone else just gives me a look, which I've become accustomed to since I started hanging out with Stiles.

Deaton grabs a flashlight and makes me keep my mouth open until he's through.

"Theres bubbles, almost like blisters- but not, all along side of her neck." Deaton says, I can feel something hit against the inside of my throat, almost like when you press down on your finger nail, not pain as much as pressure. I hear a pop along with some scrapping noise before I can close my mouth and look to see what Deaton pulled out.

"What is in there?" Derek asks, examining a medium size bubble that must've been attached to my throat.

"It looks like there's something in it." Scott says before Deaton takes it back and sets it on the table and picks up a small surgical knife.

"Lets find out, shall we?"


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Scratches Are Worse Then Bites (Teen Wolf) (Derek Hale) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now