Chapter 1

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Hey guys. So this my first story and i hope you guys like it. I love feedback so tell me what you like don't like and I'll fix it and make it better. Oh and a little warning there is some sexual continent. Ok a lot so if you don't like don't read. 

xoxo -Tatiana- 

(Landons POV) 

When I found out I was a werewolf I didn't know what to think. Literally I didn't have a single thought in my head. Then it finally sunk in and I freaked.

"You have too be messing with me! You people are insane what makes you even think I could be a werewolf," I yelled at my parents.

"Sweetie I know this is hard for you to believe, but it's true," my mom said. 

"Yeah right prove it then," I told them. 

"Fine," my dad said getting up from his place on the couch. 


"Yep. You want proof then your getting it," he said and started shredding his clothes. 

"Wha-," I started too sat but stopped when I saw my dad hunched over and his skin started too grow fur and his teeth sharpened and his eyes turned a yellowish color.

"Believe us now?" My mom asked. 

I nodded. 

A while after that I learned how to shift. I also learned that my dad was the alpha of the most feared pack in the U.S. He told me that in two more years he would step down and that I would take over. Which was great for me. But he told me this a year ago. Now I'm a junior and I have a little over a year before i take over the pack. And I admit I'm a little scared.

See the thing is that I also have to find my mate. For werewolves a mate is supposed to be your one true love. your other half. And to most that sounds flood but to me it sounds horrible. I don't want to be tied down to one person for the rest of my life in fact I want the opposite. I want to sleep around and be crazy. Plus when you get a mate they become your weakness and when I become alpha I really don't need a weakness. I need to be strong for my pack. 

"Hey Landon dude wait up," I heard my best friend Mark yell, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hey bro what's up?" 

"Well we have some new meat coming in for practice today and since you're the captain and all, I thought you'd want to welcome him properly to the team," he informed me. 

"Alright what's his info," I asked.

"Cool. His name is Rick Oliver. He's transferring from Creek Park. He was the quarterback at his old school. Also he is soon to be the Alpha of the Night Pack," he whispered the last part. 

I rose my eyebrows at the last part. An alpha? Why's this the first time I'm hearing about this?

"Dude he's from the new pack. Remember? Your dad talked about it at the pack meeting last night," Mark said incredulously.

"I was at Tracy's house remember? She finally let me hit it again after last time," I smirked. Last time Tracy and I had sex I got a little to rough, let's just say she had to get a new bed.

"So you missed an important pack meeting to get laid?"

"You bet," I said making us both laugh.


"Alright team gather 'round," Coach Perkins yelled at us. "So today we have a newbie and I want you all to treat him with respect and show him the ropes. Meet Rick."

We looked behind coach to see a guy running towards the field.  When he got closer my jaw dropped. 

In front of us stood the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. He had short brown hair, beautiful baby blue eyes and that body. Ohh that body. It appeared as though every part of his body was muscle. Through his work out uniform I could just make out his 8 pack. He had to be about 6'4 but he was built like a God. He put everybody to shame just standing there. My God this boy is hot. 

Wait!!! What was that? Was I just complimenting a man? There's no way. I'm not even gay! Maybe it was because he was just that good looking. Yeah I'm sure all the guys are thinking that.

"Hey. What's up," he said in a deep voice that just melted my heart. There it is again. He looked around at everybody his eyes finally landing on mine. He stared at me with this look in his eyes that made my wolf stir. I was like a searing heat bubbled deep within my core.

'Mine', it growled. 

'No No NO No No NO No,' I thought. I knew what this meant.

He's my mate. 

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